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What are condensates in oil and gas?

What are condensates in oil and gas?

Condensate is a mixture of light liquid hydrocarbons, similar to a very light (high API) crude oil. It is typically separated out of a natural gas stream at the point of production (field separation) when the temperature and pressure of the gas is dropped to atmospheric conditions.

How are condensates produced?

Condensates form when their vapor pressure is lowered to the point that the natural gas liquids condense out of the gas stream into a liquid that can be stored at room temperature.

What is the meaning of condensate liquid?

1. n. [Geology] A low-density, high-API gravity liquid hydrocarbon phase that generally occurs in association with natural gas. Its presence as a liquid phase depends on temperature and pressure conditions in the reservoir allowing condensation of liquid from vapor.

What is condensate oil well?

Condensate from dry gas is extracted at gas processing plants and is often called plant condensate. Condensate wells: These wells produce raw natural gas along with natural gas liquid. Such gas is also called associated gas and often referred to as wet gas.

What are condensates composed of?

Typically, condensates are composed mainly of alkanes (saturated hydrocarbons, such as butane, pentane and hexane) and are low in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) which are typically found in crude oils. Condensates have a very low solubility in water and are highly volatile.

What is the crude oil?

Crude oil means a mixture of hydrocarbons that exists in liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities.

What does condensate look like?

It looks like a dense little lump in the bottom of the magnetic trap/bowl; kind of like a drop of water condensing out of damp air onto a cold bowl. When it first forms, though, the condensate is still surrounded by the normal gas atoms, so it looks a bit like a pit inside a cherry.

What color is condensate oil?

ANSI A13. 1-2015

Color Code
Fluid ANSI 13.1 – 1996 ANSI 13.1 – 2015
Condensate Yellow/Black Green/White
Cooling Water Green/White Green/White
Cottonseed oil Yellow/Black

Is condensate the same as oil?

The term refers broadly to any type of oil that “condenses” into a liquid after being freed from high-pressure wells, where it often lurks in gas form, or separated from gas. But once it becomes a liquid, there is no agreed way to tell condensate from ordinary crude.

What is NGL and LPG?

LPG is isolated from the hydrocarbon mixtures by its separation from natural gas or by the refining of crude oil. Natural gas liquids (NGL) range from 1% to 10% of the natural gas flow. Similarly, LPG produced from crude oil refining constitutes between 1% and 4% of the crude oil processed.

What is the process of NGL?

NGLs are fractionated by heating the mixed NGL stream and processing them through a series of distillation towers. Fractionation takes advantage of the differing boiling points of the various NGL components. As the NGL stream is heated, the lightest (lowest boiling point) NGL component boils off first and separates.