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Should you use a compressor on live vocals?

Should you use a compressor on live vocals?

Live sound is largely correcting problems with subtractive EQ. Sure, it’s fun to roll off some of the top-end on your hall reverb, but don’t let that distract you from the things that actually need attention. Compression should be used sparingly. The lead vocals should be the center of your attention.

How much compression do you need for live vocals?

Inserting a small amount of compression can help tidy up some of the more extreme dynamics of the vocal performance. I typically don’t use compression ratios high than 3:1 or so for a vocal.

Do I need compression for live sound?

When a live vocal is compressed, it will make all of the bleed louder in the vocal signal, as the dynamic range is being reduced. This is an area to pay close attention to if you’re struggling to get enough vocal level – compression might not always be the answer. It’s also worth considering feedback too.

How do you add compression to live vocals?

While listening to your entire mix (do not solo the vocal), pull down the threshold until the compressor starts compressing. Add makeup gain as needed so the vocal doesn’t drop in volume. Adjust the threshold, ratio, and makeup gain until you can hear every word of the performance clearly.

Should I use auto gain on compressor?

As Compressor reduces levels, the overall volume at its output is typically lower than the input signal. You can adjust the output level with the Make Up knob. You can also use the Auto Gain parameter to compensate for the level reduction caused by compression (choose either 0 dB or −12 dB).

Which waves compressor is best for vocals?

One of the most popular compressors for this is the CLA-2A optical compressor, but any relatively slow compressor like the PuigChild or Kramer PIE are great as well. The idea is to use the first compressor to quickly tame peaks, and the second, slower compressor to squeeze the vocal and create more consistent dynamics.

What are the best vocal compression settings?

Here are my go-to compression settings for vocals:

  • Ratio: 1.5:1.
  • Attack Time: 15ms (but up to 30ms for more punch)
  • Release Time: 40ms.
  • Threshold: -24dB.
  • Gain Reduction: 2-3dB.
  • Knee: Soft.
  • Makeup Gain: 2dB.

What does gain do on compressor?

The makeup gain of a compressor is the gain applied to the signal after the compression takes place. Makeup gain is typically used to bring the peaks of the compressed signal up to the same level as the peaks pre-compression, thereby maintaining the same peak level while raising the overall level.

What does auto gain do on logic compressor?

5: Technically speaking, the output of compression is a signal with less amplitude, so it’s important that Gain is restored at the end of the process. Logic’s Auto Gain applies Make Up automatically, letting you hear the output of compressor in context.