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Should you give aspirin to someone with chest pain?

Should you give aspirin to someone with chest pain?

Aspirin can help reduce the severity of a heart attack. However, as the American Heart Association note, aspirin alone cannot treat a heart attack. Before taking an aspirin for a suspected heart attack, contact 911 or the local emergency number. The operator can advise whether to take aspirin and how much to take.

What is a contraindication to the administration of aspirin for the management of a patient with ACS?

Absolute contraindications to aspirin therapy include documented aspirin allergy (eg, asthma or anaphylaxis), active bleeding, or a known platelet disorder. Clopidogrel is a recommended alternative for patients who cannot tolerate aspirin.

When should I take aspirin for chest pain EMT?

4.1. According to the American Heart Association’s ACLS guidelines, aspirin should be given in the immediate general treatment of “chest pain suggestive of ischemia”.

Should you take aspirin if you think you are having a heart attack?

If you take daily aspirin, is it still safe to take an aspirin during a heart attack? Yes. Taking aspirin during a heart attack is safe and recommended. If you think you’re having a heart attack, call 911 or emergency medical services.

What are contraindications for aspirin?

Contraindications: Aspirin is contraindicated in patients with known allergy to NSAIDs and in patients with asthma, rhinitis, and nasal polyps. It may cause anaphylaxis, laryngeal edema, severe urticaria, angioedema, or bronchospasm (asthma).

What is chest pain protocol?

This is an essential tool to support decision-making in the Emergency and Urgent Care Unit, in identifying 25% of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) / coronary artery disease (CAD) that would be released without a correct diagnosis.

Which is a contraindication to the administration of aspirin?

Aspirin is contraindicated in patients with salicylate hypersensitivity or NSAID hypersensitivity. Aspirin is also contraindicated in patients with the syndrome of asthma, rhinitis, and nasal polyps; aspirin may cause severe urticaria, angioedema, or bronchospasm in these patients.

Who should not take aspirin?

have asthma or lung disease. have ever had a blood clotting problem. have liver or kidney problems. have gout – it can get worse for some people who take aspirin.

What should you check before administering aspirin?

– Assess pain and/or pyrexia one hour before or after medication. – In long-term therapy monitor renal and liver function and ototoxicity. – Assess other medication for possible interactions – especially warfarin which is a special hazard.

Why is aspirin contraindicated in hypertension?

ANTIHYPERTENSIVE MEDICATIONS Aspirin and other NSAIDs may be associated with modest increases in blood pressure. They may diminish the effects of certain antihypertensive agents, including beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and diuretics4.

Which tablet is best for chest pain?

Drugs for Chest Pain

  • Amlodipine. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker, prescribed for high blood pressure and chest pain.
  • Atenolol. Atenolol blocks beta-1 receptors, which are present on the heart.
  • Diltiazem.
  • Isosorbide.
  • Ivabradine.
  • Nadroparin.
  • Nicorandil.
  • Nifedipine.

When is chest pain an emergency?

You should also visit the ER if your chest pain is prolonged, severe or accompanied by any of the following symptoms: Confusion/disorientation. Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath—especially after a long period of inactivity. Excessive sweating or ashen color.

What are the contraindications to aspirin?

Open in a separate window LEMSA,local emergency medical services agency; GI, gastrointestinal There is also great variability in what are considered contraindications to aspirin use. Aspirin allergy is specifically noted as a contraindication in 58% of agencies and recent gastrointestinal bleeding is noted in 30% of agencies.

Should aspirin be taken for chest pain due to suspected ACS?

Level A Recommendation We recommend the administration of aspirin to adults with chest pain due to suspected ACS. In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on the benefits of aspirin (decreased mortality and decreased complications of MI), which outweigh the risks of adverse effects (gastrointestinal bleeding).

What happens if you take aspirin with anticoagulants?

Adding aspirin or any NSAID can compound these risks. Concomitant use of anticoagulants and NSAIDs also increases GI bleeding risks 2,9. Aspirin and other NSAIDs may be associated with modest increases in blood pressure.

What are the risks of taking aspirin?

Patients who are age 60 or older and patients with a history of GI problems who take any NSAID, including aspirin, are at higher risk for serious GI events such as stomach bleeding and ulcers. Aspirin and other NSAIDs may be associated with modest increases in blood pressure.