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Is there a word tidied?

Is there a word tidied?

Adjective He has always been a tidy person. She earns a tidy salary. They paid a tidy sum for the house. Verb I tidied the house before they arrived.

What does tidied up mean?

1 to make a place neat and orderly by removing extraneous stuff. just give me a minute to tidy up before you bring company over.

How do you spell tidied up?

To clean or put in order: tidied up the house. v. intr. To make things clean or orderly: tidied up after dinner.

What’s another word for tidiness?

In this page you can discover 5 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tidiness, like: neatness, cleanliness, untidiness, uniformity and spruceness.

Will be tidied up?

tidy up. 1. To make something or some place cleaner, neater, or more organized in appearance.

Is it tidy or tidy up?

There isn’t much real difference, no. Perhaps “tidy up/clean up” involves doing a more thorough job including discarding things, as opposed to just “tidy” which might imply merely making things look neat.

How do you use tidy up in a sentence?

When you tidy up or tidy a place up, you put things back in their proper places so that everything is neat.

  1. I really must start tidying the place up. [ VERB noun PARTICLE]
  2. He tried to tidy up, not wanting the maid to see the disarray. [ VERB PARTICLE]
  3. Anne made the beds and tidied up the nursery. [ VERB PARTICLE noun]

Is tidied an adjective?

neat/clean and tidy: The house looked very clean and tidy….tidy ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌

adjective tidy
superlative tidiest

How do you use tidiness in a sentence?

1 I’m very impressed by your tidiness and order. 2 He was fanatical about tidiness. 3 Tidiness in the workshop is really essential for producing good work. 4 In the middle of all this tidiness Fosdyke created his own particular mess.

What is an antonym for tidiness?

Opposite of the quality of being tidy. messiness. uncleanliness. untidiness.

Why do we say tidy up?

Perhaps “tidy up/clean up” involves doing a more thorough job including discarding things, as opposed to just “tidy” which might imply merely making things look neat.