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Is the school in Twilight a real school?

Is the school in Twilight a real school?

Forks High School is a real high school on South Spartan Avenue in the town of Forks, Washington, which serves grades 9 to 12 in the Quileute Valley School District. It is also the setting for much of the Twilight Saga, during Bella Swan’s junior and senior years.

Why does Edward gag when he sees Bella?

During biology class, Edward reacted with disgust towards her, as if she was nauseating to him, and it was later revealed this was because the scent of her blood was irresistible to him.

Why do the Cullens keep repeating high school?

School Keeps The Cullen Family Circle Contained The only reason that seems to be available (beyond plot mechanics) for the Cullen family to stay in school so long is that the Cullens need to stay together for their safety as a coven of vampires.

Is Forks high school a real place?

Forks High School (FHS) is a comprehensive Washington public high school on South Spartan Avenue in the city of Forks, Washington, serving grades 9-12 in the Quillayute Valley School District. It is the only high school in the district, and is the successor to Forks Middle School.

What school did Bella go to in Twilight?

Forks High School
There, she is enrolled at Forks High School, where she becomes intrigued by a 17-year-old vampire student, Edward Cullen, and his family.

Can you visit the Cullen house 2021?

2. The Cullen house. Another house you can visit is the one belonging to Edward Cullen and his family. Again, it’s not in Forks but in Portland, Oregon.

What grade was Bella in Twilight?

Bella’s 11th Grade schedule

Lesson Teacher Together With
Trigonometry Mr. Varner Jessica Stanley
Spanish Mrs. Goff Jessica Stanley
Biology II Mr. Banner Edward Cullen, Angela Weber, Mike Newton

What was the blood made of that Bella drink?

Strawberry jam and cream cheese were mixed and used to simulate blood on the newborn.

How did Charlie react when Bella said the Cullens didn’t fit in at school?

How did Charlie react when Bella said the Cullens didn’t fit in at school? He seemed angry that people weren’t’ willing to accept the Cullens.

Why does Edwards eyes change color?

If he/she were to return to a diet of animal blood, his/her eyes would become dark gold, and a lighter golden color, if they were to continue on animal blood. As a vampire’s thirst grows, his/her eyes grow darker with it, until they at last become a coal black.