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Is the Civil Air Patrol part of the military?

Is the Civil Air Patrol part of the military?

CAP membership does not equate to membership in the military. CAP is a private, non-profit humanitarian organization, which is the official auxiliary of the United States Air Force.

Is Civil Air Patrol still active?

Civil Air Patrol’s missions for America are many, and today’s adults and cadets perform their duties with the same vigilance as its founding members — preserving CAP’s 80-year legacy of service while maintaining its commitment to nearly 1,500 communities nationwide.

How much does it cost to be in the Civil Air Patrol?

Annual membership dues vary by state and consist of National, Regional, and Wing dues combined. The average amount can range from $50 and up for new adult members and about $30 and up for cadets.

Do Civil Air Patrol pilots get paid?

No, you are a volunteer member of Civil Air Patrol. All activities you do are donations of your time and expertise to help your country and community.

Can you quit Civil Air Patrol?

Yes. Stop participating. Nothing further beyond that is required. unit CC directly and request a voluntary termination, which he will process for you.

Can Civil Air Patrol be deployed?

You can not be deployed, called to active duty, or forced to serve in any branch of the US Armed Services in any way. CAP members are not eligible to receive any Veterans Administration Benefits for their volunteer service to Civil Air Patrol.

How old are civil patrol cadets?

at least 12 years old
Youth members must be at least 12 years old and not yet 19 years old. Special school squadrons accept cadets under the age of 12 as long as they are in the sixth grade.

Does Civil Air Patrol teach you fly?

CAP does not normally provide primary flight training for members. That said, we do have a lot of members who are also Certified Flight Instructors and often willing to provide training to members at reduced rates.

What is the age limit for Civil Air Patrol?

Cadet FAQ. How old do I have to be to join? Youth members must be at least 12 years old and not yet 19 years old. Special school squadrons accept cadets under the age of 12 as long as they are in the sixth grade.

Can you fly planes in Civil Air Patrol?

CAP does allow cadets to handle the controls while aloft. Learning how planes fly is the main goal of the program. However, the pilot remains in command at all times, and only the pilot will fly the airplane during takeoff, landing, and other critical moments of the flight.

Do Civil Air Patrol pilots fly for free?

Take advantage of the five free Powered Orientation Flights and five free Glider Orientation Flights through CAP. Be proactive and ask your squadron senior members how to make this happen. Get a flight simulator like X-Plane or Microsoft Flight Simulator and fly it for hours.

Can a felon join the Civil Air Patrol?

Felony convictions or patterns of arrests and/or convictions including, but not limited to sex offenses, child abuse, DUIs, dishonesty and violence may be the basis for rejection of membership.