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Is Sion AP or AD?

Is Sion AP or AD?

Is Sion AP or AD in League of Legends? Sion is an AD-based tank champion in League of Legends.

Is Sion good in lol?

Is Sion Good Right Now? Ranking as the #12 Best Pick In the Top Lane role for patch 12.10, placing it within our B-Tier Rank. A solid choice but there are better picks, in terms of difficulty, this is a easy to play champion for new players in league of legends.

Is Sion mid good?

Strengths of Sion mid Throughout 2018, Sion has a 66.7% win rate against Azir Mid and a 57.1% win rate against Ryze Mid. Considering these are two of the strongest picks in the Mid Lane at the moment, the fact that Sion has a positive win rate against both of these champions is definitely notable.

Does Sion ULT ruin towers?

Does Sion ult damage towers / turrets? Yes, slamming into enemy towers or turrets will deal damage on them.

Can Sion be played mid?

Another important reason why Sion is able to be effective in the Mid Lane is because of his ultimate and ability to take the Summoner Spell Teleport.

Is Sion easy?

No one suspects a Sion to ult from base and down to the bottom or middle lane. His is a very easy skill to land which guarantees a from Sion’s end. This can be of great value for setting up ganks for his Jungler….DOWNLOAD MOBALYTICS DESKTOP APP.

Tier B-
Win rate 47.6%
Pick rate 3.2%
Ban rate 1.3%

Can Sion play mid?

Yes, he has his ultimate to impact the lanes which is a massive plus, but in Mid Lane although Sion can bully out his opponent, he is never going to be able to kill them. Sion basically acts as a nullifier pick, which can both harm or hurt you depending on the situation.

Can you silence Sion ULT?

His charge / path can be slightly swayed towards the current cursor while charging. The ultimate can be stopped voluntarily by reactivating the ability, however, colliding with terrain / enemy champion will forcefully stop the charge.