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Is Pedro Infante Jr still alive?

Is Pedro Infante Jr still alive?

April 1, 2009Pedro Infante Jr. / Date of death

What is Pedro Infante real name?

Pedro Infante CruzPedro Infante / Full name
José Pedro Infante Cruz, better known as Pedro Infante, is perhaps the most famous actor and singer of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema and was the idol of the Mexican people, together with Jorge Negrete and Javier Solís, who were styled the Tres Gallos Mexicanos. He was born in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Did Pedro Infante have a wife?

Irma Dorantesm. 1953–1957
María Luisa Leónm. 1937–1942
Pedro Infante/Wife

How old would Pedro Infante be?

39 years (1917–1957)Pedro Infante / Age at death

What did Javier Solís died of?

gallbladder surgery
On 19 April 1966, Solís died at the age of 34 in Mexico City from complications due to gallbladder surgery.

How old was Javier Solís when he died?

34 years (1931–1966)Javier Solís / Age at death

Where is Javier Solís from?

Tacubaya, Mexico City, MexicoJavier Solís / Place of birth

Is Javier Solis alive?

April 19, 1966Javier Solís / Date of death

Did Javier Solis have a wife?

Blanca Estela SaenzJavier Solís / Wife (m.?–1966)

How did Javier Solis died?

On 19 April 1966, Solís died at the age of 34 in Mexico City from complications due to gallbladder surgery.

Who was Javier Solis married to?

Blanca Estela SaenzJavier Solís / Spouse (m.?–1966)

Is Javier Solis dead?

What is the movie ¡¡A toda máquina?

¡¡A toda máquina!! (1951) – IMDb A.T.M.: ¡¡A toda máquina!! A drifter lands a job as an officer in México City’s elite motorcycle police unit and gets home with a mate of this unit. The mate is in love with a girl, but he and she are always making je…

Will’a toda máquina’be the last of his films?

And, after enjoying “A.T.M.: ¡¡A toda máquina!!”, it certainly won’t be the last of his films I watch. The film begins with a homeless guy, Pedro (Pedro Chávez) watching a group of recruits trying out for an elite motorcycle police unit.

What does a toda máquina mean in Spanish?

A.T.M.: ¡¡A toda máquina!! A drifter lands a job as an officer in México City’s elite motorcycle police unit and gets home with a mate of this unit. The mate is in love with a girl, but he and she are always making je… Read all