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Is numbuh 362 a girl?

Is numbuh 362 a girl?

Appearances. Numbuh 362 is a straight, blonde-haired girl with her bangs in front of her stern face and her brown eyes. In her first appearance, she wore a black and purple ninja-like outfit with a mask that covered the lower half of her face.

Is Numbuh 5 black?

Her codename is Numbuh 5 because of her surname Lincoln, and Abraham Lincoln is on the $5.00 bill. Abigail and her family are also African-American, who were freed by her presidential namesake.

What is Numbuh 5’s name?

Abigail Lincoln
The given name of each kid is a reference to his/her code name. Numbuh 5 is Abigail Lincoln (the $5 bill shows Abraham Lincoln).

Who is the leader of the KND?

Numbuh 362/Rachel McKenzie (voiced by Rachael MacFarlane), the Supreme Leader of the KND Organization.

Does Rachel like Nigel?

Nigel and Rachel admit their feelings for each other and kiss before Kweeb helps them escape. Rachel makes a speech to the Irken kids to rise against the Tallest, and was able to convince them. After Nigel defeats Dimentia, he and Rachel started going out.

Who had a crush on numbuh 3?

Numbuh 4
Throughout the series, it was obvious that Numbuh 3 has a crush on Numbuh 4, but both were respectively too shy and stubborn to admit her feelings.

How old are KND?

The Kids Next Door (Organization), or the KND for short, is a global paramilitary organization composed of children mostly age 5~12 who battle evil teen-to-adult tyranny for other kids in the animated series Codename: Kids Next Door.

What does Numbuh 362 think of Abby?

While Numbuh 5 and Numbuh 362 have rarely interacted on the show, it could be suggested that at least on a professional level, Rachel regards Abby as a very capable and responsible operative.

Who is Numbuh 362 in attack on Titan?

Numbuh 362 is a straight, blonde-haired girl with her bangs in front of her stern face and brown eyes. In her first appearance, she wore a black and purple ninja-like outfit with a mask covering the lower half of her face. She always wears a colander as her helmet with two blue sabers and an orange plate in the center with “362” on it.

Who are Numbuh 362 and Tommy Gilligan?

– Numbuh 362 in Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S.. Tommy Gilligan is Numbuh 2 ‘s younger brother and ex-operative Numbuh T. They both first meet in Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. when Tommy graduates from the Cadets Next Door and finally becomes an operative.