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Is it the staff is or staff are?

Is it the staff is or staff are?

The word staff is a collective noun. It represents a group. Some other examples of collective nouns are board, committee, company, organization, department, and faculty. The trick with these words is that when the group is acting in harmony, you must use the singular form of the verb.

Is staff singular or plural?

staff ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

singular staff
plural staffs

Is staff used with is or are?

If the collective noun (staff) is acting as a single unit, use the singular verb: “The staff is very efficient.” If the collective noun is meant to highlight the actions of discrete individuals who are all doing different things, use the plural verb: “The staff are working on many projects for the holiday party.”

Is it all staff is or all staff are?

“Staff” is often used as a collective noun. (A collective noun is a word that appears singular but represents an entire group.) If the group is acting as a unit – in other words, everyone – you use a singular verb. In this case, the singular verb is “is.” It implies all members must do this.

Is staff singular noun?

Staff is a collective noun and can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the context. Treat a collective noun as singular if it refers to a single entity and plural if it refers to a number of individuals.

How do you use staff in plural?

  1. 1 staff /ˈstæf/ Brit /ˈstɑːf/ noun.
  2. plural staffs or staves /ˈsteɪvz/
  3. plural staffs or staves /ˈsteɪvz/

How do you use staff in a sentence?

serve on the staff of.

  1. Bread is the staff of life.
  2. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.
  3. All the hospital staff were wonderfully supportive.
  4. There are standard procedures for dismissing staff.
  5. We’ll be down to a skeleton staff over Christmas.
  6. He refused to name the members of staff involved.

Is support staff singular or plural?

Staff(meaning a collection of employees) is both the singular and plural of the noun. Staff is a collective noun so you need to think if the staff are performing an action together or separately.

What type of noun is staff?

staff used as a noun: (plural: staffs or staves) a long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking. (plural: staves) A series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written. (plural: staff) The employees of a business. (e.g. The company employed 10 new staff this month.)

What is the plural of staff used for employee?

Usage Staff may be used as a plural noun to mean the members of a staff. The company employs 20 full-time staff. The staff are at a meeting.

What are staff members?

Definitions of staff member. an employee who is a member of a staff of workers (especially a member of the staff that works for the President of the United States) synonyms: staffer. type of: employee. a worker who is hired to perform a job.

Is staff a singular word?

Staff is a collective noun and can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the context.

Which is the correct one, ‘staff is’ or ‘staff are’?

Which is the correct one, “staff is” or “staff are”? Both are correct. In North American English, collective nouns like staff, family, etc. are considered as one single unit and take a singular verb. (French works the same way.) In the UK collective nouns are considered plural and take a plural verb agreement. (German works the same way.)

Is it correct to use staff or staffs?

While it would be unusual for most to catch the use of “staff” in referring to “more than one staff” it is proper to make “staff” plural as “staffs”. That is, of course, assuming that you are referring to “support personnel” as opposed to “a stick to help you walk” because THAT ONE would be made plural by changing it to staves .

Is the word staff singular or plural?

Staff(meaning a collection of employees) is both the singular and plural of the noun. Staff is a collective noun so you need to think if the staff are performing an action together or separately. The staff are meeting in the teacher’s room. The staff does all their work from home. In reality, it depends more on where you are from.

What is the difference between staff and stuff?

is that stuff is to fill by crowding something into; to cram with something; to load to excess while staff is to supply (a business) with employees. Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?