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Is comedian Jethro still alive?

Is comedian Jethro still alive?

December 14, 2021Jethro / Date of death

What did Jethro died of?

Coronavirus diseaseJethro / Cause of deathCoronavirus disease 2019 is a contagious disease caused by a virus, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. The first known case was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The disease spread worldwide, leading to the COVID-19 pandemic. Wikipedia

How old is Jethro the comedian?

73 years (1948–2021)Jethro / Age at death

Where is Jethro laid rest?

Beloved Cornish comedian Jethro is being laid to rest today with a star-studded cathedral funeral in his native Cornwall, as tributes pour in for the South West comic. The memorial will take place today and involves a procession from Truro’s war memorial along to Truro Cathedral for the service.

Where is Jethro buried in Cornwall?

‘ Jim Davidson (right) speaks during the funeral service of Cornish comedian Jethro at Truro Cathedral in Cornwall.

Where is Jethro’s funeral?

Truro Cathedral
The funeral of Cornish comedian Jethro is held at Truro Cathedral on Monday, January 3, following the procession of his funeral cortege through the city centre. Comedian and long-time friend of Jethro, Jim Davidson spoke at the funeral in Truro Cathedral.

What time is Jethro funeral?

A funeral service held today (January 3) began at the Truro War Memorial at around 11.30am, with crowds gathering beforehand. Comedian Jim Davidson, who was friends with Jethro, arrived just before the procession started and was seen speaking to fellow mourners on the street.

What age is Jim Davidson?

68 years (December 13, 1953)Jim Davidson / Age

Who was at Jethro funeral?

Over 5,000 people tuned in to watch the service which was broadcast virtually on YouTube by his friend and driver Andy Reed. Born in St Buryan, the youngest of four children, he first worked as a carpenter’s apprentice and then for a time down one of the mines that were still working in Cornwall at that time.

Where will Jethro be laid to rest?

When was Jethro buried?

Jethro sadly passed away on Tuesday, December 14, after contracting COVID-19. The procession will begin in Lewdown and move on to Truro ahead of the funeral service in the Cathedral on Monday, January 3.