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Is bokura wa Minna Kawai Sou worth watching?

Is bokura wa Minna Kawai Sou worth watching?

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou is a good light romantic and little comedy themed anime. The story is very unoriginal, stereotypical and blatant. Nonetheless it’s a good romance anime that people can enjoy watching, get a good giggle out of, and feel happy about.

What chapter does bokura wa Minna Kawaisou anime end?

The anime series is adapted from the manga version Volume 1-Volume 3, Chapter 28. The OVA covered Volume 4, Chapters 34-36.

How many episodes does bokura wa Minna Kawaisou have?

The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior

僕らはみんな河合荘 (Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou)
Episodes 12
Original video animation
First Time
Directed by Shigeyuki Miya

Is bokura wa Minna Kawaisou anime finished?

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou Manga Ends on December 28.

Did USA and Kawai end up together?

Ritsu Kawai Over time, she grows feelings for him, as they began walking home from school together as well as sharing their interest in literature. Usa eventually confesses his feelings for her and they begin dating, although only in name due to Kawai Complex restrictions.

Who wrote bokura wa Minna Kawaisou?

Ruri MiyaharaThe Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior / Creator

Does USA end up with Kawai?

Is the Kawai Complex good?

This anime easily gets a 5/5 from me. The visuals and animation are amazing, and even better they perfectly compliment the humor and lovable characters, which is/are some of the best I’ve ever seen.

Who does Ritsu Kawai like?

Relationships. Ritsu shows some signs of liking Kazunari Usa, although she is not very open about it and furiously denies it whenever the other residents bring this subject up. Her feelings begin to change as the anime and mostly the manga progresses.

What is bokura?

ぼくら (BOKURA) = We (normally used by males) ぼくたち (BOKUTACHI) = We (sounds more formal than ぼくら) ら makes pronouns/nouns plural and it sounds more casual than たち. Other examples; わたしら (WATASHIRA) = We, us (usually used by females)