Is any time one word or two words?
The adverb anytime means “at any time (whatever),” and it is generally written as one word.
How do you use anytime in a sentence?
You can call me anytime. I’m always home. We should arrive anytime between 5 and 6 p.m. The bus should be here anytime now.
Is it correct to say at any time?
But if you’re using a preposition like “at,” it needs to be the two-word form; “at anytime” is incorrect. Grammarly also recommends being careful about using “anytime” in more formal writing; some people do still consider it a casualism, similar to “alright.” Now that you know when to use “any time” vs.
How do you use at any time?
If something could happen at any time, it is possible that it will happen very soon, though nobody can predict exactly when. Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalate at any time.
Is it anytime soon or any time soon?
“Anytime” is always an adverb. “Anytime” cannot follow a preposition such as “at.” Use “any time” when referring to an amount of time. Never use “anytime” in formal writing.
Is it anyday or any day?
Any day is the correct form. Ex: Any day the factory may be closed, Any day / any minute the war might escalate. We also can have any minute, any day, any time now, any moment .
What means any time?
adverb. at any time; regardless of hour, date, etc.; whenever. invariably; without doubt or exception; always: I can do better than that anytime.
Is it anytime tea time or anytime is still time?
Guys the phrase “anytime is tea time” originated from China and it means we can do it some other time. The phrase “Anytime is still time” originated from USA and it means we still have more time or no need to rush. It’s Any time is tea time. Not Anytime is tea time.
What is the meaning of any one time?
Since the sentence is clear that he never had a good look at her, at [her] any one time means in any given circumstances. at any one time – under any circumstances.
What does any time now mean?
happen very soon
phrase. If you say that something will happen any day now, any moment now, or any time now, you mean that it will happen very soon.
What does anyday mean?
Definition of any day now : within the next few days : in the near future : soon We’re expecting a phone call from him any day now.
What’s another word for anytime?
Any-time synonyms In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for any-time, like: anytime, at your convenience, whenever, no matter when, any time when, when you will and at any moment.
How and when to use ‘sometime’ and ‘anytime’?
is that sometime is (us) at an unstated or indefinite time in the future while anytime is at any time. is former, erstwhile; at some previous time. “you’re welcome” in response to “thank you” or “thanks”. Other Comparisons: What’s the difference? (obsolete) At a past time indefinitely referred to; once; formerly.
When to use anytime or any time?
“Anytime” (one word) is an adverb that means “any time whatsoever.” Use “any time” (two words) when you want to refer to any particular amount of time. Remember that anytime (one word) is an adverb, so it modifies the verb. So, if you can’t figure out which to use, ask yourself, “When?” If you can answer “anytime,” then use one word.
Is Anytime one word or two words?
“anytime (adv.) is an Americanism usually spelled as one word (The meeting can be scheduled anytime), although it can still be two words when it is an adjective modifying a noun (I will not have any time until Thursday).” Various other sources say that when used as an adverb for “at any time”, it should be anytime.
How do you spell every time?
Spell It Wrong, Get It Right – Every Time. By Kevin Sinclair | Submitted On October 12, 2007. Spelling it correct the first time is what was drilled into your head back in grade school. It went with coloring inside the lines and lining up to go in or outside. Correct spelling was emphasized through drills and spelling bees.