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Is 100% Rotten Tomatoes a good rating?

Is 100% Rotten Tomatoes a good rating?

Rotten Less than 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive. Certified fresh A special distinction awarded to the best reviewed movies and TV Shows. Fresh At least 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive. Rotten Less than 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive.

Is 16% Rotten Tomatoes good?

A red tomato score indicating its fresh status, is designated when at least 60% of the reviews are positive. A green splat indicating rotten status, is displayed when less than 60% of the reviews are positive.

What is the lowest Rotten Tomatoes score ever?

The top 10 lowest scores on Rotten Tomatoes

  • Dark Crimes (2018) – 0%
  • Jaws: The Revenge (1987) – 0%
  • Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987) – 0%
  • Mac and Me (1988) – 0%
  • Staying Alive (1983) – 0%
  • Bolero (1984) – 0%
  • Precious Cargo (2016) – 0%
  • The Slugger’s Wife (1985) – 0%

Is 90 Rotten Tomatoes good?

Scores of over 60 percent are considered fresh, and scores of 59 percent and under are rotten. To earn the coveted “designated fresh” seal, a film needs at least 40 reviews, 75 percent of which are fresh, and five of which are from “top” critics.

What does Y mean on Netflix?

Designed to be appropriate for all children
TV-Y. Designed to be appropriate for all children. TV-Y7. Suitable for ages 7 and up. G.

What is the lowest score on Rotten Tomatoes?

What is lowest rated movie on Rotten Tomatoes? These Movies Received the Lowest Possible Ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, Here’s Why. Dark Crimes (2018) – 0% … Jaws: The Revenge (1987) – 0% … Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987) – 0% … Mac and Me (1988) – 0% … Staying Alive (1983) – 0% … Bolero (1984) – 0% …

Which is better IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes?

rotten tomatoes is a one vote the end website that often times do not allow multiple accounts to bring down the rating…the force awakens frozen inception and “popular films” is a perfect example of this. imdb however is filled largely with idiots who want nothing but to tear down the film and they often make hyperbolic ones and spam them. these people hate the fact that these films are popular and would bring down the rating regardless

What are the best Rotten Tomatoes?

– After the pandemic put many productions on hold last year, 2021 ushered in a ton of new releases. – Films like “Minari” and Bo Burnham’s “Inside” earned high praise from critics. – “Dear Evan Hansen,” “Habit,” and “Chaos Walking” had a harder time winning over reviewers.

What is a good Rotten Tomato score?

What is a good Rotten Tomatoes score for a movie? In order to qualify, movies or TV shows must meet the following requirements: A consistent Tomatometer score of 75% or higher. At least five reviews from Top Critics. Films in wide release must have a minimum of 80 reviews.