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How serious is L5-S1 disc protrusion?

How serious is L5-S1 disc protrusion?

A herniated L5-S1 disc can press and impinge nerves and the spinal cord. This compression can lead to discomfort, aches and pains in the back, buttocks, hips, thighs, leg feet, or toes. It may also cause numbness, tingling and weakness in thighs, legs, knees, ankles, feet, or toes.

What is a paramedian disc protrusion?

Paramedian herniation presses the spinal cord unilaterally and deforms it into a comma shape. The symptoms and signs produced are not always those of the Brown-Sequard syndrome.

What is a disc protrusion at L5-S1?

A herniated disc at lumbar segment 5 and sacral segment 1 (L5-S1) usually causes S1 nerve impingement. In addition to sciatica, this type of herniated disc can lead to weakness when standing on the toes. Numbness and pain can radiate down into the sole of the foot and the outside of the foot. See L5-S1 Treatment.

How serious is a disc protrusion?

Many cases of protruding discs heal naturally with rest and conservative measures. However, disc protrusions that continue to degenerate and press on the spinal cord or nerve roots cause significant pain, weakness, numbness and loss of movement that may require surgery to treat.

Does a disc protrusion require surgery?

Fortunately, the majority of herniated discs do not require surgery. With time, the symptoms of sciatica/radiculopathy improve in approximately 9 out of 10 people. The time to improve varies, ranging from a few days to a few weeks.

When is L5 S1 surgery necessary?

The most common indications for L5 S1 fusion include: Low back disc degeneration Slipped disc (spondylolisthesis) Spinal Bone Fracture Recurrent Disc Herniation Pain radiating down leg (Sciatica ) Curvature (Scoliosis) Narrowing of the Canal (Stenosis) Failed Spine Surgery with Instability.

Is disc protrusion worse than herniated disc?

Herniated discs are considered more severe than bulging discs because they put significant pressure on nearby nerves, which can cause intense pain, inflammation and difficulties with movement.

How do you treat a disc protrusion?

Lumbar herniated disc treatments

  1. Physical therapy, exercise and gentle stretching to help relieve pressure on the nerve root.
  2. Ice and heat therapy for pain relief.
  3. Manipulation (such as chiropractic manipulation)
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen or COX-2 inhibitors for pain relief.

What is the treatment for disc protrusion?

Conservative disc protrusion treatment methods are often quite effective and typically include massage, bed rest, physical therapy and pain medications.

How long is recovery from L5 S1 surgery?

You’ll be encouraged to walk and move around the day after surgery and it’s likely you’ll be discharged 1 to 4 days afterwards. It will take about 4 to 6 weeks for you to reach your expected level of mobility and function (this will depend on the severity of your condition and symptoms before the operation).

What are the symptoms of L5 S1 nerve damage?

Common Symptoms and Signs Stemming from L5-S1

  • Pain, generally felt as a sharp, shooting, and/or searing feeling in the buttock, thigh, leg, foot, and/or toes.
  • Numbness in the foot and/or toes.
  • Weakness in the leg and/or foot muscles and an inability to lift the foot off the floor (foot drop)

Can L5 S1 be cured?

Conditions affecting the L5-S1 spinal motion segment are usually treated with nonsurgical methods. If the lower back and/or leg symptoms worsen or do not improve despite these treatments, or in case of certain medical emergencies, such as tumors or cauda equina syndrome, surgery may be recommended.