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How often is the NCLEX-RN exam offered?

How often is the NCLEX-RN exam offered?

When and How Often is The Test Offered? Pearson VUE administers the NCLEX continuously throughout the year. Candidates schedule an appointment with the testing center and are given a date within the following 30 days. The time period for repeat candidates is no less than 45 days.

How many times can you take the NCLEX-RN in Indiana?

The Indiana Board will allow up to three examination attempts before requiring a candidate to make an appearance.

Is the RN NCLEX changing in 2022?

For now, the NCLEX is not changing, so if you are planning on taking the NCLEX before 2023, you can free up some brain space and not worry about what the Next Gen version will look like. Continue to prep for the current version of the exam, and work to become an expert in its structure and content.

Is the RN NCLEX changing in 2023?

Is the NCLEX changing in 2023? Yes. Referred to as the Next Generation NCLEX, this new version of the exam is expected to launch in April 2023.

How long is the NCLEX exam 2022?

On the NCLEX® examination, test takers will see a minimum of 75 questions and a maximum of 265 (145 maximum due to new COVID-19 policies). The NCLEX® examination is taken through Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT). During the five-hour examination, test takers will be offered two optional breaks.

Does the NCLEX change every year?

The test plans for the NCLEX-RN and PN can be found below. These are updated every three years to reflect fair, comprehensive; current; and entry-level nursing competency.

What happens if you fail NCLEX 3 times in Indiana?

Unsuccessful candidates will receive a notification letter and a repeat exam application. Please note that after three (3) exam failures, you will have to appear before the Board in order to obtain authorization to test again.

What happens if you don’t pass the NCLEX in 3 years?

If you do not pass within that year, you must complete board-approved remediation before retaking the exam. If you have not passed the NCLEX by the three-year anniversary of your graduation, you will have to attend a nursing education program before you may take the exam again.

Can I still take the NCLEX after 10 years?

She stated that there is no time limit on when you finished your nursing education to make you eligible (or ineligible) to take the NCLEX and you should go ahead and apply.

What percentage is passing on NCLEX 2022?

How the 2022 NCLEX is Scored. The NCLEX is scored using dichotomous scoring, so you can either pass or fail the exam. Currently, to pass the NCLEX-RN, the standard is 0.00 logits–or answer questions correctly at least 50% of the time. The NCLEX-PN standard is -0.18 logits.

Is the next generation NCLEX harder?

A new NCLEX means better evaluation of graduates’ readiness for the challenges of real-life nursing practice — and more difficult, in-depth questions that put pass rates at risk. The new item types likely to appear on the Next Generation NCLEX will be unlike any that nursing students have previously encountered.