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How much money do you need for 2 months in Asia?

How much money do you need for 2 months in Asia?

Note: To make a relatively accurate budget calculation for your South East Asia trip, plan for $50 – $60 per day for a couple, which equals $1,500 – $1,800/month. Plan on $35 – $40 per day for one person travelling, which equals $1,050 – $1,200/month.

How much does it cost to travel Southeast Asia for 6 months?

On a Budget I personally spent $7,958 USD (without SCUBA diving – $6,095) for six months in Southeast Asia, with a month each in Cambodia, Laos, northern Thailand, southern Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. With flights and pre-trip expenses, it added up to $11,000.

What is the cheapest country in Southeast Asia?

6 of the Cheapest Countries in Southeast Asia

  • Philippines: cheap and cheerful.
  • Malaysia: considered by many as expensive but actually cheap.
  • Laos: cheapest country lacking mass tourism.
  • Cambodia: luxury travel for budget prices.
  • Indonesia: the cheap destination to experience island life.

Is Thailand cheaper than Vietnam?

Overall, the cost of living in Vietnam is lower than Thailand, even in a major city such as Ho Chi Minh City. As an expat, you can expect to pay about 20 to 30% less than you would in Thailand, although not everything will be more affordable.

How long do you need to travel Southeast Asia?

Two months is the perfect amount of time to enjoy all five countries in mainland Southeast Asia at a comfortable pace. You can stay in each country for one or two weeks before moving on to the next.

How much money do you need to backpack in Asia?

Average costs for Southeast Asia On a longer trip, plan on spending about $35/day for one person on average, or about $1000/month. That’s traveling as a backpacker, using budget accommodation and eating mainly local food.

What is the poorest country in Southeast Asia?

By contrast, Myanmar is the poorest country in the region, with a GDP per capita of $1,408. East Timor and Cambodia also have a GDP per capita of less than $2,000. The five dominant Southeast Asian countries refer to their economies as Tiger Cub Economies.