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How much is a first edition Black Luster Soldier worth?

How much is a first edition Black Luster Soldier worth?

Black Luster Soldier #024 (1ST EDITION)

Date Price Grade
2/3/2021 $102.50 8
1/26/2021 $25.00 4
12/3/2020 $174.23 9
8/31/2020 $90.00 9

What is Black Luster Soldier worth?

1. Tournament Black Luster Soldier – $2,000,000 (reportedly) Easily the most valuable card on this list, the Black Luster Soldier was an exclusive prize card awarded at the first-ever Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament in 1999.

Is Envoy of the Beginning banned?

When it was released, it instilled fear into the hearts of all Duelists who fought against it, and its extreme power earned it a spot on the Forbidden List.

How do you get the Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning?

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your GY. Once per turn, you can activate 1 of these effects.

Can Black Luster Soldier banish a face down?

No, it’s just banished unless it says a card is specifically banished face-down, i.e. Esper Girl.

Why was time seal banned?

Time seal is banned because it is almost cheating to prevent your enemies from drawing.

What Yugioh cards are worth money?

Which Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Are Worth More Money?

  • Ten Thousand Dragon, worth $188.
  • Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, worth $171.
  • Sengenjin, worth $107.
  • Triple Tactics Talent, worth $99.
  • Evil HERO Adjusted Gold, worth $97.
  • Black Lust Soldier – Soldier of Chaos, worth $87.
  • Lightning Storm, worth $85.
  • Magicians’ Souls, worth $83.

How many Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards are there in the real world?

But word got around among collectors that the card was a 2019 limited edition version of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, a card for which there only 500 copies in existence, said The Post. Some game players initially predicted that the card was valued at around $46,000.