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How much HP does a Precision Turbo add?

How much HP does a Precision Turbo add?

The largest Pro Mod turbo that Precision offers, the GEN2 Pro Mod 110 CEA® turbo can support massive power levels – up to 2,800 horsepower – and comes standard with an air-cooled, dual ceramic ball-bearing center housing rotating assembly (CHRA) for faster transient response and added thrust capacity.

What do Precision Turbo numbers mean?

Using Precision Turbo’s ‘chargers as examples, the numbers represent the diameters of the inducer and exducer on the compressor and turbine wheels (measured in millimeters, from tip to tip of the blades on each wheel). With a 62/66, the first two digits are the compressor wheel size (62mm).

Can a turbo charger be rebuilt?

Much like aging diesel engines, the turbochargers equipped on them don’t have to be thrown away when they need a little freshening up, they can be rebuilt easily, and on the cheap.

Where are precision Turbos made?

ABOUT PRECISION TURBO & ENGINE Our manufacturing facility, conveniently located in Northwest Indiana, has been a worldwide supplier of high performance turbochargers that have set the standard for uncompromised quality and unsurpassed performance since the late 1990s.

What size turbo should I run?

The calculation is simple: Divide the absolute outlet pressure that you think you want (14.7 + boost pressure) by the absolute inlet pressure that the Earth says you can have (14.7) and you’ve got your pressure ratio. Limiting yourself to a reasonable number is the hardest part.

What size turbo is needed for a 350 small block?

Owner John Urist says that to make 300 to 350 hp at 5 to 7 psi, you need a 54mm compressor. “This supports the power level but still has great response. A larger, 61mm turbo will support 400 to 500 hp,” he says.

What does AR mean in turbos?

A/R stands for Area over Radius. It is defined as the inlet (or, for compressor housings, the discharge) cross-sectional area divided by the radius from the turbo centerline to the centroid of that area.

How often do Turbos need to be replaced?

However, turbochargers are wearable parts and they will wear down over time. Most turbochargers need to be replaced between 100,000 and 150,000 miles. If you are good at maintaining your car and get timely oil changes your turbocharger may last even longer than that.

Does precision make good turbos?

Here is what Precision has to say about their history: “Founded in 1987, Precision Turbo and Engine is one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of high performance, aftermarket turbochargers.

How many miles can a turbo last?

around 150,000 miles
Turbos are designed to last the lifetime of the vehicle (or around 150,000 miles); however, it’s possible for them to wear out over time depending on how hard you drive the car and the original build quality of the turbo.