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How much does it cost to get into Wekiva Island?

How much does it cost to get into Wekiva Island?

$2 per person
The entrance fee to Wekiva Island is $2 per person. We reach capacity early, especially during the summer months, so arriving early is highly recommended. We rent our vessels by the day, rather than by the hour. They are first-come, first-served; we do not take reservations.

Can you swim at Wekiva Island?

Wekiva River remains a constant 72 degrees all year round, and guests are welcome to enjoy swimming along the boardwalk area or in other designated swimming locations along the river. Outside floats are welcome. Large floats will be charged a small fee.

Does Wekiva Island have alligators?

The attack happened near Wekiva Island, which rents canoes and cabanas and serves drinks from an outdoor bar. A sign at the property warns swimmers that there are gators and snakes in the area.

What is the difference between Wekiva and Wekiwa?

Wekiwa is the Creek-Seminole word for a spring, but contrary to popular belief that Wekiva means “flowing water”, it was actually an alternate spelling used by developers. The pronunciation of a soft-w, sometimes perceived as a v or b, resulted in cartographers mislabeling maps in later years.

Who owns Wekiva Island?

Bill and Mary Weinaug
Bill and Mary Weinaug, owners of Wekiva Island, say they are willing to work with nearby residents to control traffic and limit the amount of noise from their business.

Can you bring alcohol to Wekiva Island?

No alcohol of any kind may be brought on Wekiva Island or the Wekiva River, this is the law.

Can you bring food to Wekiva Island?

Craft beer and wine can be purchased at our on-site bar!! cooler with non-alcoholic drinks and food. This cooler must be in the car that is in the covered parking spot and no other food/drink is allowed in from the general parking lot.

Has an alligator ever attacked a kayak?

Yes, it does happen! Alligators attacking kayaks is certainly not something we can say for sure has never occurred, no matter how much we wish it were so. While the odds of a gator attacking a kayaker are extremely low, paddling in places where alligators are native does come with an increased risk.

Can you swim at Wekiwa Springs?

Due to the shallow nature of the spring, diving and jumping are not permitted. Use of scuba and other tank-assisted or tethered hookah breathing systems are not permitted. Swimming is not permitted in Wekiwa Springs Run, Rock Springs Run or the Wekiva River.

What does the word Wekiva mean?

flowing water
Wekiwa means ‘spring of water’ and Wekiva means ‘flowing water’ in the Creek language.

What is Khiva Island?

Located just north of Orlando, Wekiva Island offers visitors the chance to experience the incredible natural springs in Florida. Explore the pristine Wekiva River and its fascinating Florida wildlife on water with one of our canoes, kayaks and paddleboards or on land with more than 2,000 square feet of Island fun.

When did Wekiva Island Open?

Since then that small business has been replaced by the popular Wekiva Island, an entertainment complex that opened in late 2008 and draws hundreds of visitors on summer weekends for volleyball, daytime music, canoeing and a riverside bar.