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How much does Home Depot charge for installing a dishwasher?

How much does Home Depot charge for installing a dishwasher?

Home Depot Dishwasher Installation Cost Home Depot offers basic installation for $99 with free delivery 7-days a week when you spend $396 or more. A $19.99 installation kit fee, and $9.99 adapter fee will be included in all installation.

How much does dishwasher cost to install?

Whether you’re installing your very first dishwasher or upgrading to a newer one, expect to pay between $370 to $1,500, with the national average cost to install a dishwasher around $970. However, dishwasher installation costs may fluctuate according to brand, features, and more.

Do dishwashers have to be professionally installed?

If it was simply a matter of attaching a couple of hoses, then no one would need a licensed plumber for dishwasher installation. But, as it turns out, installing a dishwasher is tricky business and best left to the professionals, even your home insurance provider agrees.

Does a dishwasher need to be installed by a plumber?

All dishwashers require a licensed plumber to install the plumbing and an electrician for the power outlet.

Can I install dishwasher myself?

The project doesn’t require any advanced plumbing or electrical skills. Installing a dishwasher successfully does require the proper know-how and equipment, including a dishwasher installation kit that has a 90-degree fitting and water supply line.

Can I install my new dishwasher myself?

In most cases, you won’t need any special tools or skills to replace or when installing a dishwasher. Most dishwashers are 24 in. wide, so you won’t have to alter cabinets to get the new one to fit. (If you change sizes, you’ll have to alter your cabinets.

Who is best to install a dishwasher?

And, you should call a plumber to install your new dishwasher. Many home projects are DIY-appropriate, but when it comes to installing an appliance that requires plumbing know-how, it’s best to call a licensed professional to ensure installation success.

Can you plug a dishwasher into a regular outlet?

Dishwasher – A large range of dishwashers use the standard current of 110 volts. It is best to use an outlet that has a Ground Fault Interrupter or GFI. This will provide an extra precaution if the outlet gets wet. A GFI is designed to trip or disconnect power to prevent electrocution.

How many years do dishwashers last?

About 10 years
How long should a dishwasher last? About 10 years, according to most of the 20-plus manufacturers we asked. CR members tell us they expect the same life span, on average, but that doesn’t necessarily mean 10 trouble-free years.