How much do Walmart recruiters make?
The average Walmart Recruiter earns an estimated $110,005 annually, which includes an estimated base salary of $95,567 with a $14,438 bonus. Walmart’s Recruiter compensation is $14,463 more than the US average for a Recruiter. Recruiter salaries at Walmart can range from $25,000 – $205,000.
How do you get Walmart to look at your application?
If you applied to a particular store, use the “Store Locator” feature on the Walmart homepage to find the local contact information for your store. Call the store where you applied and ask to speak to the human resources manager or the general manager. Ask for an update on the status of your application.
How long does it take to be hired at Walmart?
7 days or less. It took about 2 weeks from online application, to in person interview and take the fitness test, take the drug test, and then hear back from them.
Is it hard to get a job at Walmart?
Walmart received 38 applications for every opening, making the odds of an applicant getting a job at Walmart far greater than getting into Harvard. And all this competition for positions that we know do not pay all that well.
Who do I talk to at Walmart about my application?
For assistance with submitting an application contact our candidate help line at 800-955-7267, open M-F 7am-4pm CST.
Is Walmart interview hard?
Interviews at Walmart can be both easy and difficult, depending on the position you try to get with the corporation. Applying for simple retail jobs (think cashier, stock clerk, etc), it’s enough preparing for the questions I analyze in this article.
Does Walmart hire everyone they interview?
Walmart interviews three candidates for every job, and they choose the best candidate out of those three. But here’s the kicker: You will be interviewed by three people at the same time! Each interviewer will take turns asking you questions, and some of the questions are multi-part questions.