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How many species of Phalaenopsis are there?

How many species of Phalaenopsis are there?

63 species
There are 63 species, 7 natural hybrids and numerous recognized varietal forms in the genus. Phalaenopsis are among the most popular cultivated orchids and thousands of hybrids have been made throughout the years. The plants, themselves are attractive, with succulent leaves and some species exhibit sweet fragrance.

How do you grow Phalaenopsis violacea?

Phalaenopsis violacea is a deep shade plant. However, it prefers slightly more light than other shade-loving orchids. It needs bright, indirect light to grow well. Morning and evening sunlight is fine, but do not place them in the harsh sunlight during noon since it will burn the leaves and turn them black.

Is Phalaenopsis a genus or species?

Phalaenopsis (/ˌfælɪˈnɒpsɪs/), also known as moth orchids, is a genus of about seventy species of plants in the family Orchidaceae.

What is a novelty Phalaenopsis?

These special variants of the Phalaenopsis have a compact size, they are frequently in bloom and have versatile colours. Each species has its own characteristics. There are species characterized by their strong scent or rare colour combination.

What is a Harlequin Phalaenopsis?

Orchid breeders have an eye for selecting stud plants that impart desirable flower qualities onto the offspring. Common traits include vibrant color, round shape, and being floriferous. There is one type of Phalaenopsis, however, that is made using entirely different criteria.

How do I identify a Phalaenopsis orchid?

Phalaenopsis are the most common orchids in the marketplace and are commonly known as “moth orchids.” They usually have wide, flat, dark leaves that are arranged opposite each other. They carry long tall stems of wide flat flowers that can last up to three or more months.

Are phalaenopsis fragrant?

Most phalaenopsis are not fragrant but there are some wonderful exceptions. Two especially sweet-smelling species are Phalanopsis bellina and Phalaenopis violacea.

How long does it take for phalaenopsis to bloom?

about 3 months
The seed pods will take 6 to 8 months to mature. In order to produce flowers, the plant will take energy from its leaves, and this may cause some leaves to turn yellow and fall off. It usually takes about 3 months for a phalaenopsis orchid to flower.

How do you care for phalaenopsis?

Phalaenopsis orchid care: how to look after orchids

  1. Don’t water it too much. We know you’re going to love your Phalaenopsis Orchids, but don’t be an overbearing plant parent!
  2. Keep the crown dry.
  3. Keep warm, but out of direct sunlight.
  4. Humidity is key.
  5. Feed well.
  6. Keep bugs away.
  7. When to trim the roots.
  8. When to repot your Orchid.

How do I know which type of orchid I have?

If you do not have the original tag identifying the orchid, then the easiest way to identify it is with the flowers. Look at the shape, color, patterns, and size of the bloom. Most orchids come in many colors, so you cannot identify an orchid solely by the color or size of the flower, but it may help narrow it down.

What is the most fragrant Phalaenopsis?

*Image by author. Most phalaenopsis are not fragrant but there are some wonderful exceptions. Two especially sweet-smelling species are Phalanopsis bellina and Phalaenopis violacea.