How many police officers are in Dorset?
1,216 police officers
We currently employ: 1,216 police officers. 1,374 police staff – including 121 Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) safer schools and communities officers, neighbourhood engagement officers and Police Community Support Investigators (PCSIs) 129 Special Constables.
What police force is Southampton in?
Hampshire Constabulary
Hampshire Constabulary is the territorial police force responsible for policing the counties of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in South East England, United Kingdom. The force area includes Southampton, the largest city in South East England, and the naval city of Portsmouth.
Who is Dorset Chief Constable?
Scott Chilton
Scott Chilton took over as Chief Constable for Dorset Police on Monday 16 August 2021 following his previous role as DCC for Dorset.
How do I become a PCSO in Dorset?
You do not need formal qualifications to become PCSO. However, your English should be proficient. There are no height restrictions. You must be physically fit and in good health and will undertake a fitness and swimming assessment.
When was Dorset Police founded?
Dorset Police | |
Formed | 1 April 1974 |
Preceding agencies | Dorset County Constabulary Bournemouth Borough Police Dorset and Bournemouth Constabulary |
Employees | 2,681 |
Volunteers | 295 |
Who is the Chief Constable of Durham Constabulary?
Chief Constable Jo Farrell
Durham Constabulary is led by Chief Constable Jo Farrell and her executive team: The team is based at force HQ in Aykley Heads, Durham, but they are all regular visitors to officers and staff in police stations throughout the force area.
Who is Olivia Pinkney?
The Deputy Chief Constable of Sussex Police, Olivia Pinkney was drawn to a role in public service whilst still a student.
What police force covers Isle of Wight?
Isle of Wight Constabulary – Wikipedia.
Who is in charge of Devon and Cornwall police?
Devon and Cornwall Police | |
PCSOs | 320 (March 2021) |
Police and Crime Commissioner responsible | Alison Hernandez (Conservative) |
Agency executive | Shaun Sawyer, Chief Constable |
Website |
Do PCSOs carry handcuffs?
PCSOs may, subject to permission from their force, carry handcuffs and leg restraints which are both governed by the Criminal Law Act 1967 or common law and can be used in the same manner as a constable. They may use them for detaining or arresting a person using reasonable force under the powers listed.
Can a PCSO become a police officer?
Career path and progression There is no formal route from PCSO to police officer, but the training and experience you gain could help you if you want to move into this role. Many people do make being a PCSO their long-term career. You could also use your experience to mentor and train new PCSOs.
Which police force covers Darlington?
Durham Constabulary
Durham Constabulary [external link] is the police force which looks after Darlington.