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How many points is Smolen?

How many points is Smolen?

8+ points
The Stayman Convention with Smolen The artificial bid of 2♣ initiates the convention and is used when responder has 8+ points and one or both majors.

Is Smolen game forcing?

After a 1NT opening, Smolen allows responder to show 5-4 or 4-5 shape in the majors with game-forcing values. One advantage is that the opening bidder always becomes declarer if a major-suit game is reached.

What is a Smolen bid in bridge?

Smolen is a convention used by a responder to a notrump opening bid (or natural notrump overcall). It is used when the responder is 5-4 in the majors (either way). It is used only when the responder has enough strength for game.

What is Puppet Stayman in the game of bridge?

How Does Puppet Work? As with regular Stayman, responder uses a Three Clubs response to 2NT to initiate the conversation. Responder may hold one or two four-card majors in search of a 4-4 fit. Or he may just have three-card support for one or both majors.

When should you not use a Stayman?

RULE: Do not use Stayman when you have a 4-3-3-3 hand. We are programmed to always want to play a hand in a major when we have an 8 card fit. We can draw trump and still have one trump left in declarer’s hand and one in dummy.

What is reverse Drury in bridge?

After a Third or Fourth Seat opening of a Major suit, the responder, who is a passed hand, shows a strong raise with at least 3-card support, and 10-12 point range, by bidding 2 . The opener will sign off on the Two Level with a minimum hand, and this is known as Reverse Drury.

How do you respond to a splinter bid in bridge?

If we are playing splinter bids, we respond 3♠ to show the singleton spade. It will now be up to opener to decide whether to stop in 4♥or look for slam. We can use 3♠ as a splinter bid because we have other ways to show spades. With four or more spades, we can simply respond 1♠ since a new suit response is forcing.

When should you not open 1NT?

Opening bid: 1♣ – 16 HCP, 2 doubletons make it unbalanced, so should not open 1NT; no 5-card major, must open in a minor; clubs are longer than diamonds. Note: Some players might open 1NT with this hand.

What is the rule of 10 in bridge?

Rule of 10. This rule applies when the opponents employ fifth best leads versus NT and/or suit contracts. To determine the number of cards in the other three hands that are higher than the card led, subtract the number of the card led from 10.

What is the rule of 15 in bridge?

Rule of 15 A rule used for opening the bidding in fourth seat. You should open the bidding if the number of high card points and the number of spades equals fifteen. This assumes that spades are likely to be evenly divided between the two partnerships and that a fit in spades may exist.

What is reverse Bergen?

Modifications to Bergen responses do exist. One such method (usually called Reverse Bergen) is to reverse the meanings of the two minor suit responses at the three level, thereby creating a system of responses that denote progressively weaker hands on subsequent bids.

What is a Drury bid in bridge?

Drury is a conventional 2 response by a passed hand after partner opens 1 or 1 in third or fourth seat. The 2 bid is artificial, showing a limit raise with 10-12 support points and 3+ card support. Playing Drury, responder can keep the bidding low at the 2-level instead of making a jump raise.

How to use Smolen with 5-5?

You might also be 6-4 in the majors: Smolen can also be used with 5-5 in the majors: You can also play Simple Stayman and Smolen after a 2NT opening (instead of Puppet Stayman) or overcall or 2 : 2, 2NT to good effect.

When does Smolen apply?

Of course, Smolen also applies after our side makes a natural strong notrump overcall (systems on).

What is Smolen in chess?

Printer friendly version. Smolen is a convention used by a responder to a notrump opening bid (or natural notrump overcall). It is used when the responder is 5-4 in the majors (either way). It is used only when the responder has enough strength for game.

How does Smolen work in PGA Tour?

Smolen, however, comes into play when opener bids Two Diamond to deny a four-card major. Responder now jumps to the three-level in his shorter major, therby showing five cards in the other major.