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How many Litres of gas are in a m3?

How many Litres of gas are in a m3?

Convert LPG m³ to litres: 1 m³ = 3.70 L of LPG (this is an LPG gas to LPG liquid conversion)

How many m3 are in a GJ of natural gas?

about 25.5 cubic metres
A gigajoule of natural gas is about 25.5 cubic metres at standard conditions. One gigajoule of natural gas is approximately equivalent to 27 litres of fuel oil, 39 litres of propane, 26 litres of gasoline or 277 kilowatt hours of electricity.

How many BTU are in a m3 of natural gas?

35300 BTU
For 1 m3 of natural gas, you would multiply by 1 m3 by 0.0353, which would give you 0.0353 MMBtu. To get this number in units of BTU, you would multiply it by 1000000, which would give you a total of 35300 BTU in an m3 of gas.

How many m3 are in a kg of natural gas?

– Natural gas: 1 m3 = 0,829 kilogram; – Other gas: variable dependent on composition.

Is 1m3 equal to 1 liters?

1 cubic meter is 1000 liters. The simplest way to convert cubic meters to liters is to move the decimal point three places to the right. In other words, multiply a value in cubic meters by 1000 to get the answer in liters.

How much is a cubic metre of gas?

Cubic Meter or m3 (Volumetric Quantity Of Natural Gas) Cubic meters are a unit of volume. 1 m3 of natural gas is equal to: 35.315 cubic feet of natural gas. 35,300 BTU.

How do you convert GJ to m3?

Gigajoules vs Cubic Metres. Other Units for Measuring Gas….Conversions.

Convert from Convert to Multiply by
1 GJ m3 26.137
1 m3 Cubic feet (cf) 35.314
1 cf m3 0.028
1 GJ Million British thermal units (MBtu) 0.948

How much is 1m3 of natural gas?

35.315 cubic feet
Cubic meters are a unit of volume. 1 m3 of natural gas is equal to: 35.315 cubic feet of natural gas. 35,300 BTU.

How do you convert BTU to m3?

With our unit of measurement converter, you can convert gigajoules into cubic metres, cubic feet into BTU, or carry out any other conversion you need to make….Equivalent measures.

1 cu.m. = 0.03789 GJ 1 billion cu.ft. = 1,000 million cu.ft.
1 cu.m. = 35,915 BTUs 1 cu.m. = 35.31 cu.ft.

How do you convert m3 to kg?

1 cubic meter is equal to 1000 kilo gram.

How do you convert m3 to liters?

How do you convert cm3 to liters?

The conversion factor is 0.001; so 1 cubic centimeter = 0.001 liters. In other words, the value in cm3 divide by 1000 to get a value in l.