How many juvenile detention centers are in Texas?
Texas operates five juvenile facilities, which held an average of 800 youths per day in 2019 and have been the subject of civil rights complaints for years.
When did TYC become TJJD?
December 1, 2011
TJJD began operating as an agency on December 1, 2011. It replaced the functions of the Texas Youth Commission (TYC) and the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission (TJPC).
What is the oldest age for juvenile detention?
In 47 states, the maximum age of juvenile court jurisdiction is age 17. In 2020, Vermont became the first state in the nation to expand juvenile court jurisdiction to 18. Three states– Georgia, Texas and Wisconsin–now draw the juvenile/adult line at age 16.
What is the juvenile detention center?
The Juvenile Detention Center is a short term pre-adjudication facility that provides a safe, caring and secure environment for male and female youth between the ages of 10-17 who are court-ordered detained pending release or out of home placement.
Why choose El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department?
El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department is dedicated to the safety of our customers. If you need to come to the department, please take a moment to watch this video and get familiar with our safety guidelines. We thank you for cooperating and helping us to remain safe and clean. News, articles, videos, and more…
Why choose Peña Juvenile Justice Center?
The Judge Enrique H. Peña Juvenile Justice Center in partnership with our community is committed to promoting public safety through a professional culture which holds youth accountable in a manner conducive to personal growth, development, and dignity. You can now make your payments online.
What is the juvenile justice center kitchen like?
The Juvenile Justice Center kitchen provides complete food services to the youth in Detention and in the Challenge Academy Program, which includes three nutritional meals and a morning and afternoon snack. The Maintenance Unit goal is to provide a safe environment to our employees and clients, through an effective and efficient maintenance program.