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How many exemptions are there to FOIA?

How many exemptions are there to FOIA?

nine exemptions
The Freedom of Information Act provides that the agency will provide access to identifiable documents within our possession unless one of nine exemptions or three exclusions applies.

What is FOIA 2 exemption?

Exemption 2 of the FOIA exempts from mandatory disclosure records that are “related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency.” (

Which FOI exemptions are absolute?

There is an absolute exemption from the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 if the applicant making the request for information is the subject of the information requested as they have right of access to that information under the Subject Access right of the Data Protection Act 1998.

When can you refuse a FOIA request?

You can refuse requests if they are repeated, whether or not they are also vexatious. You can normally refuse to comply with a request if it is identical or substantially similar to one you previously complied with from the same requester.

What is exempt from disclosure?

Exemption 1 – Protects from disclosure information that has been deemed classified “under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy” and is “in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order.”

Which of the following pertains to Exemption 3 of the Freedom of Information Act?

Exemption 3: Information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal law. Exemption 4: Trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is confidential or privileged.

What does withheld pursuant to B 6 mean?

Exemption (b)(6) permits the government to withhold all information about individuals in personnel, medical and similar files where the disclosure of such information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Why is geological information on wells exempt from FOIA?

Cal. 2002). There, the court held that information pertaining to “well and water related information” was commercial or financial in nature, and therefore fell under the fourth exemption to FOIA, which exempts information that is commercial or financial in nature and that is confidential and privileged.

Who are exempt from the general right of access?

The Act creates a general right of access to information held by public bodies, but also sets out 23 exemptions where that right is either not allowed or is qualified. The exemptions relate to issues such as national security, law enforcement, commercial interests, and personal information.

What does the nine exemptions of the FOIA mean?

There are nine FOIA exemptions: Classified national defense and foreign relations information. Internal agency rules and practices. Information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal law. Trade secrets and other confidential business information. Inter-agency or intra-agency communications that are protected by legal privileges.

How many exemptions are there under FOIA?

There are two types of exemption under the Freedom of Information Act, ‘Qualified Exemptions’ where the public interest is applied to all requests and ‘Absolute Exemptions’. There is no public interest test for the latter type of exemption.

How many exceptions are there under the FOIA?

The Freedom of Information Act provides that the agency will provide access to identifiable documents within our possession unless one of nine exemptions or three exclusions applies. The exact language of the exemptions can be found in the FOIA.

What does the (B) (1) FOIA exemption say?

FOIA EXEMPTIONS Exemption (b) 1: Classified national defense and foreign relations information. Exemption (b) 2: Internal agency personnel rules and practices. Exemption (b) 3: Information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal law. Exemption (b) 4: Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained