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How long does USYD special consideration take?

How long does USYD special consideration take?

Most applications are processed within four working days, though it may take longer if we need to request further information from your unit of study coordinator. If your application is approved, we’ll provide information on the special consideration granted and the adjustment you’ll receive in your outcome email.

What is departmental permission USYD?

Some units of study require faculty or school approval. This could be for a number of reasons, for example if it’s an advanced unit, a clinical placement, an offshore unit, an internship or if there are limited places available.

What is prohibition USYD?

Prohibitions or prohibited combinations of units refers to when two or more units of study contain a significant overlap of content. Enrolment by students in any one such unit of study prohibits their enrolment in any other unit of study identified as a prohibited unit.

What do you write in special circumstances?

Some examples of a special circumstance may include, but not limited to the following:

  1. loss of employment or benefits or reduction in pay.
  2. deduction of one-time payment.
  3. separation or divorce.
  4. death of spouse or parent.
  5. unusual medical expenses.

What is a special circumstance letter?

A letter of special circumstance, also known as a letter for financial assistance, is a letter that a student writes to a college or university when they cannot afford the tuition.

How do I write a student declaration in USYD?

Your statutory declaration should include:

  1. your full name and student number.
  2. a statement about the impact of the illness, injury, misadventure or essential commitment on your ability to attend classes, learn or complete assessment requirements.

What is departmental permission?

How do I apply for departmental permission in Sydney student?

You’ll be prompted to apply for departmental permission when you select your units of study in the enrolment task in Sydney Student. If you have also submitted any enrolment exception requests, you won’t be prompted to complete your departmental permission applications until after you’ve received outcomes for your enrolment exception requests.

How do I apply to Sydney Law School?

Once you have been approved by the Law School, you need to submit your departmental permission request in Sydney Student, and attach the approval email from the Experiential Learning Officer. If you’re applying for units in the Juris Doctor and Bachelor of Laws programs, contact [email protected].

How do I apply for special consideration or special arrangements?

There are three key steps to applying for special consideration or special arrangements: submit your online application. If you are affected by long-term circumstances, such as a recurring medical condition, we encourage you to register with Disability Services.

How do I apply for an offshore unit at Sydney University?

If you are applying for an offshore unit, you first need to contact [email protected]. Once you have been approved by the Law School, you need to submit your departmental permission request in Sydney Student, and attach the approval email from the Experiential Learning Officer.