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How long does it take to get a Natural England licence?

How long does it take to get a Natural England licence?

30 working days
It usually takes 30 working days to get an individual licence. Not all individual licences are free of charge.

What is an EPS licence?

You need a mitigation licence if your work will have impacts on European protected species ( EPS ) that would otherwise be illegal. This includes: capturing, killing, disturbing or injuring them – on purpose or by not taking enough care. damaging or destroying their breeding or resting places – even accidentally.

How long does a bat licence last?

Typically for one to two years due to the changing habits of bats, who may find new roosts with each new season.

How long does it take to get a bat licence?

It can take 30 working days for NRW/NE to process the licence and issue it to you (the developer) so we recommend commissioning an ecologist to complete the licence application as soon as possible after planning permission is granted to minimise unnecessary delays to projects.

How do I get a GCN licence?

How do you get a Great Crested Newt Licence?

  1. GCN presence/absence surveys are performed by an ecologist to determine whether a pond, that has potential to support GCNs, supports GCN.
  2. These surveys involve using high powered torches, nets, bottle traps and searching for eggs to find for signs of GCNs in a pond.

How much is an EPS licence?

Currently there is no fee payable for this type of licence. Species specific advice and guidance relating to each particular species is found within these pages. Download application forms for: Licence application to possess European protected species.

Why do you need a bat licence?

A licence is required to carry out this work which may require the volunteer bat worker to examine or handle bats in their roost. The licence meets all the requirements of a bat worker who may need to examine or handle bats in their roosts.

What time of year can you do a bat survey?

Bat emergence surveys can be undertaken between May and September, although the optimal time is from May to August. Surveys should be spaced a minimum of two weeks apart, preferably four for a better spread.

Do you need a licence to handle bats?

Some bat work can be carried out without holding a licence of any kind. Both volunteers and professionals can plan surveys and carry out bat detector activity surveys and emergence counts without requiring a licence. A licence is only needed if there is a possibility of disturbing bats (e.g. by entering a bat roost).

Do I need a GCN licence?

You need a level 2 licence to use pitfall traps. You cannot use box traps. You must release all captured GCN as soon as you’ve finished examining them. You must apply for an individual licence for survey, research or conservation work not covered by this licence, or a level 2 licence.

What is a GCN licence?

Licences for activities affecting great crested newts, a protected species.

Does Natural England provide training on ecological licence types?

Natural England has not provided training on this licence type since 2016 and we are currently updating the content. Natural England will therefore accept applications from registered consultants with the correct ecological experience in lieu of this training.

How do Natural England charge for licensing services?

As of 1st April 2019 Natural England are undertaking a phased implementation of charges for licensing services. Depending on the species and the nature of the project, Natural England will adhere to a set of charging criteria and a pricing structure involving a fixed fee and variable rates to determine the licence application.

When will the Natural England consultant licence be available for use?

Natural England can confirm that the licence will be available for use by existing registered consultants, and open for new registered consultant applications in 2020. Natural England has not provided training on this licence type since 2016 and we are currently updating the content.

When does the GCN low impact class licence (gcnlicl) open?

Update on GCN Low Impact Class Licence (GCNLICL) Natural England can confirm that the licence will be available for use by existing registered consultants, and open for new registered consultant applications in 2020. Natural England has not provided training on this licence type since 2016 and we are currently updating the content.