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How is tongue cancer staged?

How is tongue cancer staged?

There are 3 grades of mouth cancer: grade 1 (low grade) means cancer cells look like normal mouth cells. grade 2 (intermediate grade) look slightly different to normal mouth cells. grade 3 (high grade) look very abnormal and not much like normal mouth cells.

Where does squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue spread to?

The most common site for OSCC metastasis is cervical lymph nodes, and it reduces the survival rate by 50% 13, 14. Cancer cells usually spread to the lymph nodes on the same side of the cancer primary site.

Is squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue curable?

Tongue cancer is highly curable when it is detected early, but it can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. Over time, it may spread to other sites in the mouth, other areas of the head and neck, or other parts of the body.

Is Stage 3 tongue cancer curable?

What is the life expectancy of someone with tongue cancer?

life expectancy of a normal person at that age. In other words, there are few deaths from treated carcinoma of the tongue after 4 years from onset. Since the median life expectancy for a man of 60 is 12.5 years, and for one with carcinoma of the tongue only 17 months, at the median age the life

What is Stage 4 tongue cancer?

The overall five-year survival rate for tongue cancer takes in to account a lower survival rate for people who have a stage 4 cancer. It also averages in the higher survival rate for people who are diagnosed with a stage 1 case. Stage 4 tongue cancer refers to cancer that has spread to other areas of the body outside the mouth, such as the lungs.

What causes cancer on tongue?

Tobacco use

  • Alcohol use
  • Jagged teeth
  • Not taking care of your teeth and gums
  • What to expect squamous cell tongue cancer?

    Type. The most common type of tongue cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. More than 90% of mouth cancers are squamous cell carcinoma.

  • Grade. A doctor will rely on final pathology of the tumor to determine the grade and stage of the cancer.
  • Stage. The ‘T’ stands for tumor size. The ‘N’ stands for lymph node involvement.