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How is The Giver feeling in Chapter 18?

How is The Giver feeling in Chapter 18?

The Giver tells Jonas that her name was Rosemary, and that he loved her very much, the same way he loves Jonas. She loved the happy memories The Giver gave her, but after receiving memories of loneliness, loss, and fear, she was so distraught that she applied for release without telling The Giver.

What is The Giver thinking about at the end of Chapter 18?

Jonas remembers what The Giver said about the memories that were released after Rosemary left. He realizes that he himself has an entire year’s worth of memories, and asks what would happen if he were to, say, drown in the river.

What is The Giver worried about Chapter 18?

The Giver was careful not to share memories of war. Instead, he shared experiences of loneliness with Rosemary. After she experienced these painful memories, Rosemary changed. She was no longer as happy as she had been before.

Why is The Giver prohibited from asking to be released Chapter 18?

The Giver Chapter 18 Jonas is not ever permitted to request for a release because of the failure of the Receiver ten years ago. Upon Jonas’s pleading, The Giver relents and tells him the story about the failed Receiver.

Why does Jonas apologize to The Giver?

Why did Jonas apologize to the Giver? He wasted too much time talking about release. What is the reasoning behind releasing one twin? It would be confusing if the twins were the same.

Why do Jonas’s parents refuse to tell him that they love him?

Q. Why do Jonas’s parents refuse to tell him that they love him? They think that Jonas will be smothered by their love.

What did The Giver tell Jonas he had realized about the memories?

What did the Giver tell Jonas he had realized about the memories? He said he realized that memories needed to be shared. His job was lonely because he had to keep all of the memories to himself. He said he was thinking of a plan to change things.

Why does Jonas apologize to the giver?

What did the giver tell Jonas he had realized about the memories?

What questions are left unanswered in The Giver?

I think that two major questions that remain unanswered at the end of The Giver are: What happens to Jonas and Gabe? and Are the snow, the sled, the lights in the distance, etc, real, or are they just memories that Jonas has had in the past? Remember, Jonas could recall that memory often.

How does Jonas learn of love in The Giver?

Jonas learns about love when he receives the memory of the family at Christmas, but he learns about true compassion in his experience on the battlefield.

What are good questions to ask about the book The Giver?

Discussion Questions

  • What was the role of the “family unit” in Jonas’s community, and how is it different from the concept of family in our culture?
  • What did you notice about the language used by the author in this book?
  • Why do you think the Giver finally decided that “things must change”?