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How is the FRAX tool used?

How is the FRAX tool used?

The FRAX® tool, an osteoporosis risk assessment test, uses information about your bone density and other risk factors for breaking a bone to estimate your 10-year fracture risk.

What FRAX score do you treat?

The current National Osteoporosis Foundation Guide recommends treating patients with FRAX 10-year risk scores of > or = 3% for hip fracture or > or = 20% for major osteoporotic fracture, to reduce their fracture risk.

How do you read a FRAX score?

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, the scores fall into the following categories:

  1. greater than -1: normal.
  2. -1 to -2.5: low bone mass (called osteopenia, a potential precursor condition to osteoporosis)
  3. less than -2.5: typically indicates osteoporosis.

What is femoral neck BMD?

Femoral Neck BMD Is a Strong Predictor of Hip Fracture Susceptibility in Elderly Men and Women Because It Detects Cortical Bone. Page 1. Femoral Neck BMD Is a Strong Predictor of Hip Fracture. Susceptibility in Elderly Men and Women Because It Detects Cortical. Bone Instability: The Rotterdam Study.

What is high risk FRAX?

A high FRAX score indicates that the person might need medical treatment in addition to making these lifestyle changes. Many medications are available to treat osteoporosis. These may include: Bisphosphonates: Medications belonging to this class help prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of fractures.

How does strontium ranelate work?

Strontium ranelate acts through dual mechanisms of inhibiting resorption by osteoclasts and maintaining or stimulating bone formation by osteoblasts. It has shown only a modest effect in preventing recurrent vertebral fractures.

What FRAX score is high risk?

In the 2020 update of the Endocrine Society’s clinical practice guideline for the pharmacological management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, very high risk is defined as including severe or multiple vertebral fractures in addition to a BMD T-score of ≤−2.5 at the hip or spine.

What does a FRAX score of 10% mean?

The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends treating patients with FRAX 10-year risk scores of ‘greater than or equal to 3 percent’ for hip fracture or ‘greater than or equal to 20 percent’ for a major osteoporotic fracture to reduce fracture risk.

What does FRAX 10-year probability mean?

A FRAX score estimates the probability of a fracture within the next 10 years. The output is a percentage, and higher values indicate a greater risk of fracture.

What exercises increase bone density in the femoral neck?

Due to their high impact profile, weight-bearing exercises, such as brisk walking (5–6 km/h), running and jumping, have been found to increase femoral neck BMD in postmenopausal women [12,13].

Why was strontium ranelate discontinued?

Servier, who manufactured the drug at the time, said the decision to cease marketing and supply was based on commercial reasons. This followed safety concerns about the drug being connected to cardiovascular risks, which had led to its limited use and a continuous decline in the number of people being treated with it.