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How is soil fertility?

How is soil fertility?

Fertilizers such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are added to the soil to make it fertile. These are also added to the potted plants in gardens to enhance plant growth. NPK and urea are the most common fertilizers required by the soil. Urea adds nitrogen to the soil.

Which crop helps in soil fertility?

Answer: Major pulses grown in India are tur (arhar), urad, moong, masur, peas and gram. Being leguminous crops, all these crops except arhar help in restoring soil fertility by fixing nitrogen from the air. Therefore, these are mostly grown in rotation with other crops.

What are the two types of soil fertility?

The factors affecting soil fertility may be of two types; i.e. – (a) Natural factor and (b) Artificial factor. The natural factors are those which influence the soil formation and the artificial factors is related to the proper use of land.

What is the role of soil fertility in food production?

Soils supply the essential nutrients, water, oxygen and root support that our food-producing plants need to grow and flourish. They also serve as a buffer to protect delicate plant roots from drastic fluctuations in temperature.

Why is soil fertility important?

A fertile soil also provides essential nutrients for plant growth, to produce healthy food with all the necessary nutrients needed for human health. Moreover, fertility has an impact on activities with an economic impact and is therefore related to economic growth and the fight against poverty.

What is soil fertility PDF?

Soil fertility is a complex quality of soils that is closest to plant nutrient management. It is the component of overall soil productivity that deals with its available nutrient status, and its ability to provide nutrients out of its own reserves and through external applications for crop production.

What are leguminous crops?

Leguminous is an adjective used to describe plants in the legume family, which includes the plants that produce some beans, peas, and lentils. The word legume most commonly refers to the edible seed pods of these plants (the beans, peas, lentils, and other things that they bear as fruit).

Which is a rainfed crop?

Rainfed agriculture includes both permanent crops (such as rubber, tea, and coffee) as well as annual crops (such as wheat, maize, and rice).

What is fertility in agriculture?

Fertility can refer to the ability of soil to sustain plant growth, or it can refer to the number of live births occurring in a population. Fertile Soil. Agronomists, or people who study the uses of plants, use the term to refer to soil. Plants grow easily in fertile soil because it contains large amounts of nutrients.

What is the fertility?

Simply put, fertility is the natural capability to conceive or induce conception. Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that prevents the conception of children.

What is soil crop?

Soil can be categorised into different types, each with distinct characteristics that provide crop growing benefits and limitations. When the similar kinds of plants are grown in the fields on a large scale to obtain food like cereals, pulses, vegetables and fruits, they are called Crops.

What is tropical crop?

The Tropics are either the center of origin or domestication of many of the most important food crops currently cultivated in the world: maize, rice, potato, sweet potato, cassava, cocoa, sorghum, millet, tomato, peppers, many cucurbits, peanut, rubber, tobacco, cotton, common beans, oil palm, coconut, sugarcane.