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How is internal root resorption treated?

How is internal root resorption treated?

Treatment for internal resorption includes root canal therapy, followed by restoration. Considering that vital pulp tissue is necessary for resorption, root canal therapy will stop the resorption. The chemical cleaning aspect of root canal therapy typically involves using various concentrations of sodium hypochlorite.

Will root canal stop internal resorption?

Root canal treatment remains the treatment of choice of internal root resorption as it removes the granulation tissue and blood supply of the clastic cells.

How do you fix internal resorption?

As the resorptive defect is the result of the inflamed pulp and the blood supply to the tissue is through the apical foramina, the correct approach to treatment is endodontic treatment that effectively removes the blood supply to the resorbing cells.

Can a tooth with internal resorption be saved?

In order to halt further bone degradation, root canal therapy is performed and the pulp is removed in order to cut off the osteoclasts’ “food supply”. Teeth suffering from internal resorption can be saved this way if treated in the early stages.

How do you reverse root resorption?

External resorption that can be cured requires treatment that entails removal of the tissue invading the root of your tooth, chemical treatment of the debrided root surface to prevent recurrence followed by replacement of the lost root structure with some kind of restorative material.

Can internal resorption stop?

Internal resorption progression can be stopped with early root canal therapy, but a “wait and see” approach may be taken for external resorption.

Can root resorption be fixed?

Is internal resorption reversible?

Root canal therapy may help treat internal resorption, but if there is a large defect, the tooth may break apart and fail to function. The resorption is usually progressive, but even extensive cases can sometimes be reversed.

How common is internal tooth resorption?

Internal resorption (IR) is a relatively rare occurrence, and most cases follow injury to pulp tissue, such as physical trauma or caries-related pulpitis. The condition is more frequently observed in male than in female subjects.

How fast does root resorption occur?

ERR can advance rapidly, such that an entire root surface may be resorbed within just a few months if left untreated. ERR also affects teeth with chronic apical periodontitis. One of the most common causes for apical RR is overzealous orthodontic tooth movement.

Can resorption spread to other teeth?

If not spotted and treated resorption will continue until the tooth can no longer be saved. What’s more it doesn’t stop there. Just as a rotten apple in a fruit bowl will affect nearby healthy pieces of fruit, resorption can easily spread to other nearby teeth and gums.

Can a root canal cause root resorption?

Internal resorption is an uncommon resorption of the tooth, which starts from the root canal and destroys the surrounding tooth structure. It is easy to control the process of internal root resorption via severing the blood supply to the resorbing tissues with conventional root canal therapy.