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How is hiatal hernia seen in endoscopy?

How is hiatal hernia seen in endoscopy?

A tiny camera on the end of the endoscope lets the doctor examine the esophagus, stomach and the beginning of the small intestine (duodenum). A hiatal hernia is often discovered during a test or procedure to determine the cause of heartburn or chest or upper abdominal pain.

Can a hiatal hernia be fixed during an endoscopy?

Late postoperative complications such as stricture, or herniated or slipped fundoplication are also primarily diagnosed using flexible endoscopy. Hence flexible endoscopy performs an irreplaceable role in all three phases of the surgical treatment of hiatal hernias.

Will an endoscopy show a sliding hiatal hernia?

With the most common type (type I or sliding hiatus hernia) this is associated with laxity of the phrenoesophageal membrane and the gastric cardia herniates. Sliding hiatus hernia is readily diagnosed by barium swallow radiography, endoscopy, or manometry when greater than 2 cm in axial span.

How do I know if I have a hernia in my esophagus?


  1. Heartburn.
  2. Regurgitation of food or liquids into the mouth.
  3. Backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus (acid reflux)
  4. Difficulty swallowing.
  5. Chest or abdominal pain.
  6. Feeling full soon after you eat.
  7. Shortness of breath.
  8. Vomiting of blood or passing of black stools, which may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding.

What percentage of hiatal hernia needs surgery?

Though many patients had persistent symptoms at 10 years of follow-up, researchers discovered that only 1.5% of patients ultimately underwent elective surgery for their hiatal hernia. Two patients received an operation due to the development of refractory GERD.

What test will show a hiatal hernia?

How is a hiatal hernia diagnosed? Several tests can be done to help diagnose a hiatal hernia. These include a barium swallow test, an endoscopy procedure, esophageal manometric studies, a pH test and gastric emptying studies.

What is the best treatment for hiatus hernia?

A procedure called a laparoscopic nissen fundoplication (LNF) is one of the most common surgical techniques used to treat GORD and sliding hiatus hernias. LNF is a type of keyhole surgery that involves making a series of small cuts in your abdomen.

What is the difference between a hiatal hernia and a sliding hiatal hernia?

In a hiatal hernia, the stomach bulges up into the chest through that opening. There are two main types of hiatal hernias: sliding and paraesophageal (next to the esophagus). In a sliding hiatal hernia, the stomach and the section of the esophagus that joins the stomach slide up into the chest through the hiatus.

What size hiatal hernia is considered large?

Hiatal hernias were classified as small if their size ranged from 2 to 4 cm and large if > or = 5 cm.

Can hiatal hernia cause mucus in throat?

The sensation of mucus in the throat and having to clear your throat can be symptoms of a hiatal hernia, a weakened diaphragm.

What are the symptoms of a paraesophageal hiatal hernia?

Hiatal hernias and paraesophageal hernias may cause symptoms such as reflux and heartburn; nausea, burping, and vomiting; regurgitation of food; unexplained upper abdominal or chest pain; a sense of fullness after eating; bloating; shortness of breath or coughing; or a sense of food getting stuck in the chest.

Who is not a candidate for hiatal hernia surgery?

Who Is NOT a Good Candidate for Hernia Repair? You may not be a good candidate if: You have a high risk of surgical complications. You are elderly (hernia repair studies suggest elderly as older than 75 years of age) and your hernia is not causing pain or discomfort.