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How do you write UU sermon?

How do you write UU sermon?

A Helpful Sermon Writing Guide for Writing Mediocre* Sermons

  1. Step One, Choose topic. Please pick one:
  2. Step One, Write introduction. Choose word, and fill in blanks using that word:
  3. Step Two, provide context:
  4. Step Three, key arguments and solutions:
  5. Step Four, hope:
  6. Step Five, call to action:
  7. Step Six, Conclusion:

What does Unitarianism teach?

Unitarianism is a Christian religious denomination. Unitarians believe that God is only one person. Unitarians reject the Trinity and do not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. Followers of Unitarianism also do not accept the concepts of original sin and of eternal punishment for sins committed on earth.

What are the core beliefs of Unitarians?

Unitarianism rejects the mainstream Christian doctrine of the Trinity, or three Persons in one God, made up of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They typically believe that God is one being – God the Father, or Mother. Jesus was simply a man, not the incarnate deity.

What is the difference between a Unitarian and a Unitarian Universalist?

The Unitarian belief that reason, and not creed, defines the search for truth, and the Universalist belief that God embraces all people equally has led to the current Unitarian Universalist belief that truth and spiritual meaning can be found in all faiths.

What does the Bible say about Unitarianism?

Biblical unitarianism (also capitalized as biblical Unitarianism, BU) encompasses the key doctrines of nontrinitarian Christians who affirm the Bible as their sole authority, and from it base their beliefs that God the Father is one singular being, and that Jesus Christ is God’s son but not divine.

Do Unitarian Universalists believe in the Bible?

The history of Unitarianism was as a “scripturally oriented movement” which denied the Trinity and held various understandings of Jesus. Over time, however—specifically, in the mid-19th century—some proponents of Unitarianism moved away from a belief in the necessity of the Bible as the source of religious truth.

Do Universalists believe in God?

In 1899 the Universalist General Convention, later called the Universalist Church of America, adopted the Five Principles: the belief in God, belief in Jesus Christ, the immortality of the human soul, that sinful actions have consequence, and universal reconciliation.

Do Unitarians believe in afterlife?

What do Unitarian Universalists believe about heaven and hell? Some believe in heaven. Few probably believe in hell except for the hell that people create for themselves. Some UUs believe in reincarnation, and some believe there is no afterlife.