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How do you use metal eyelets?

How do you use metal eyelets?

Squeeze the eyelet with the pliers to secure it to the fabric. Next, place the eyelet holder so that it’s up against the front side of the eyelet. Position the back of the pliers so that they are against the back of the eyelet’s post. Then, squeeze the pliers to compress the post and secure the eyelet to the fabric.

What is the difference between an eyelet and a grommet?

Grommets are very similar to eyelets, because they are used to reinforce a hole as well; however, grommets are typically used for more heavy duty material than eyelets. They may also be used to protect an apparatus from the sharp edges of the hole, to prevent damage to the gadget.

Can you use eyelets without washers?

Sometimes, eyelets are sold as just one piece, with no washer. These are still eyelets, but they’re a cheaper variety, and when put into fabric, they split on the reverse and don’t look great. I’ll show you more on this further down!

How do you install eyelets with pliers?

The flat (good) side of your eyelet should sit in the slightly curved side of the pliers, while the tube (bad) side of the eyelet should be aligned with the “pointed” side of the pliers. Squeeze the pliers together. Take the pliers away and check that the eyelet is set as you want it.

Can you use eyelets instead of grommets?

Eyelets are often used in cases where a smaller answer is needed such as scrapbooking, crafting, clothing and even in shoes for shoelaces. Grommets on the other hand are made up of two pieces; a grommet and a washer.

How do you use an eyelet without a puncher?

  1. Mark the spot where you want to insert the eyelet with the seam ripper.
  2. Push the eyelet through the hole you created.
  3. Place the tip of the Phillips head screwdriver bit into the center of the eyelet.
  4. Use the edge of the Phillips screwdriver bit to fold down the four sides of the eyelet center.