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How do you use Entweder in German?

How do you use Entweder in German?

„entweder“: Konjunktion either … or I’ll go either today or tomorrow either at once or not at all it’s all or nothing take it or leave it! entweder oder! take it or leave it!

What is the correct German word order?

The basic German sentence order is SVO: subject, verb, object. The verb, the main verb or the conjugated part of the verb is always the second element of the sentence. If the subject does not precede the verb, main verb or conjugated part, it must follow it immediately.

How do you use ALS Sowohl Auch?

“Sowohl als auch!” is an abbreviation of this, which you can use as an answer. For example, if someone asks, “Möchtest du Bier trinken oder Wein?” (Do you want to drink beer or wine?), you could answer, “Sowohl als auch!” (Both!).

What does Desto mean?

awake , wide-awake.

What is Zweiteilige Konnektoren?

Today you’re going to learn about two-part conjunctions, zweiteilige Konnektoren. They are used to connect two main (independent) clauses or two parts of a sentence. ​ Two-part conjunctions are like best friends.

What does Weder noch mean?

neither… nor…
noch… means neither… nor… .

How do you remember the order of words in German?

If you remember nothing else about German word order, remember this: the subject will either come first or immediately after the verb if the subject is not the first element. This is a simple, hard and fast rule. In a statement (not a question) the verb always comes second.

Is German easy to learn?

Learning German can be a bit difficult, especially if you are a native of a language that doesn’t belong to the Indo-European family of languages. But, no matter what your native language is, and even if German may seem tricky to you at first, don’t get discouraged.

How do you use Auch in a sentence?

This type of auch relates to the subject of the sentence and will usually be in front of a verbal group. Its meaning is “also.” For example: Mein Sohn will jetzt auch Klavier studieren. My son now also wants to study piano.

How do you use und in German?

The first and most common coordinating conjunction in German is “und”. It means “and” and is used just like it is in English. This conjunction shows you that the words, phrases or clauses that are connected with it are in the same group.

What does JE DESTO mean in German?

You need a team: je… desto … . Je is kind of a weird, hard to define word. It’s part of words like jemand (somebody), jeder (everybody) or Jesus (good hearted dude) and it can also stand alone. Then, it can mean ‘a ‘ in sense of ‘per’ or ever, in the context of at one point. Die Äpfel kosten 10 Euro je Kilo.

How do you use nicht in German?

When you’re negating a verb, a noun or a whole sentence using nicht, it generally goes to the end of the sentence. This is the default setting. “Magst du Katzen?”

Do you put “nicht nur” after “sondern auch” in German?

Instead you put “nicht nur” after the verb in the first clause. “sondern auch” is also a bit odd, in that it can be split with extra words between “sondern” and “auch”. You do start the second clause with “sondern”, however. Let’s start by combining just a few words and work our way up to full clauses.

What are the prepositions in German with dative cases?

As you may remember, some prepositions in German require the accusative case (durch, bis, für, ohne, entlang, gegen, um, etc.), others the dative case (bei, mit, seit, aus, zu, nach, von, etc.). But they all have one thing in common: when they appear in a sentence nicht goes first.