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How do you treat saphenous nerve entrapment?

How do you treat saphenous nerve entrapment?

Saphenous nerve entrapment in the adductor canal usually is treated conservatively by injecting an anesthetic (with or without a corticosteroid) at the point of maximal tenderness (usually 10 cm proximal to the medial femoral condyle). The injection may have to be repeated periodically.

What are the signs and symptoms of saphenous nerve entrapment?

Signs and Symptoms of Saphenous Nerve Entrapment

  • pain on the inside/medial aspect of the knee.
  • pain/tightness on the back of the leg above the knee.
  • pain or tightness is often present with going upstairs.
  • there may be tightness, burning, tingling, or numbness into the lower leg.

What does saphenous nerve pain feel like?

Saphenous Nerve entrapment is described as pain on the inside of the thigh, knee, or calf. The pain is described as dull and achy pain and it may have a burning or electric type feel. Pressure on the inside of the knees will aggravate sensations such as having something resting on the persons lap.

Where does saphenous nerve get entrapped?

The saphenous nerve can become entrapped in multiple locations along its long descending course from the thigh to the leg. Common sites of entrapment include the site where the nerve penetrates the roof of the adductor canal, or at the infrapatellar branch during knee surgery or varicose vein stripping surgery.

How long does a saphenous nerve block last?

Local anesthetic is deposited around the nerve via a small needle. Pain relief is expected to last between 6 to 18 hours, depending on the mixture of local anesthetics used.

What muscles does the saphenous nerve supply?

The saphenous nerve innervates the skin of the medial aspect of the lower leg, the ankle (the medial malleolus), and a small portion of the arch of the foot, close to the saphenous vein.

What does the saphenous nerve control?

The saphenous nerve is a branch of the femoral nerve. It is purely a sensory nerve, that is, it conveys only sensory information and does not control any muscle in the leg. It transmits pain, temperature, and touch sensation from parts of the knee and along the inner aspect of the lower leg and foot.

What muscles does the saphenous nerve innervate?

How is saphenous nerve diagnosed?

The diagnosis is confirmed by relief of symptoms after injection of the affected area with local anesthetic. Initial treatment can include non-surgical symptomatic care, treatment of associated pathology, and diagnostic or therapeutic injections of local anesthetic.

Can a nerve block cause permanent damage?

Nerve damage after peripheral nerve block is usually temporary and most patients make a full recovery within a few days or weeks. 1,2 However, rarely, nerve damage is permanent.