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How do you teach the difference between present simple and present continuous?

How do you teach the difference between present simple and present continuous?

We use the present simple tense when we want to talk about fixed habits or routines – things that don’t change. We use the present continuous to talk about actions which are happening at the present moment, but will soon finish. Compare these two statements: (present simple) I play tennis.

How do you teach simple present tense to ESL students?

5 Steps for Introducing the Present Simple

  1. Start by Modeling the Present Simple.
  2. Introduce the Third Person Singular.
  3. Introduce the Negative.
  4. Explaining the Present Simple on the Board.
  5. Comprehension Activities.
  6. Continued Activity Practice.

How do you teach simple present tense in a fun way?

Students sit in a circle. The first person asks a Present Simple question like “Where do you live?” or “What kind of dessert do you like?” to the person on their left. That person answers the question, then asks that same question plus one more to the person on their left, with both questions being answered in turn.

How do you explain present continuous tense ESL?

The present continuous tense is used to refer to actions or situations that are happening now. It is also used to refer to actions or situations that are temporary but last for long periods of time. There is also a third common use for this tense: to talk about actions or situations in the future.

How do you convert present simple to present continuous?

We make sentences in the simple present tense by using the first form of the verb. Note that when the subject is a singular noun or pronoun, the verb takes the marker –s in the simple present tense. We make present continuous tense forms by putting is, am or are before the –ing form of the verb.

How do you teach simple present tense examples?

Introducing Present Tense. Start with an action and a simple description. Do something in front of your students that they can describe, such as picking up a book or writing on a piece of paper. Because present simple tense refers to verbs, starting with an action is an easy way to get the lesson going.

What are some activities you like to do simple present?

15 fun activities for Present Simple/Present Continuous

  • Mimes plus.
  • Mimes plus Two.
  • Definitions game.
  • 20 questions.
  • Postcards.
  • Chain postcards.
  • Present Simple and Continuous taboo topics.
  • Ask and tell.

How do you teach tenses in fun way?

8 Fun Tenses Games & Activities for Kids

  1. Making questions. There are chances that your child has difficulty forming questions in different tenses.
  2. Quiz.
  3. Sing it out loud.
  4. Name the tenses.
  5. Match-up LEGO bricks.
  6. Tell a story from a picture.
  7. Let the characters teach.
  8. Listen and say.

How do you teach present continuous tense to ESL students?

How to Introduce the Present Continuous

  1. Start by Modeling the Present Continuous.
  2. Ask Questions about Pictures.
  3. Introduce the Negative Form.
  4. Explaining the Present Continuous on the Board.
  5. Comprehension Activities.
  6. Continued Activity Practice.
  7. Challenges with the Present Continuous.

How do you explain present continuous tense to children?

We can use the present continuous to talk about things we are doing now.

  1. I play basketball every Sunday. I’m playing hockey now. She eats fruit every day.
  2. I watch cartoons every day. I don’t watch the news. My dad makes dinner every evening.
  3. I’m going to the park now. I’m not going to school. She’s studying English now.

What is ESL present simple vs present continuous activity?

ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Activity – Writing, Listening and Speaking – Pre-intermediate – 30 minutes. In this present simple vs. present continuous activity, students write questions on various topics using both tenses. The students then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

How do you do present simple and present continuous yes/no questions?

Working together, students prepare the present simple and present continuous yes/no questions together with possible follow-up questions for the items on the worksheet. Students then go around the class and ask each other the present simple and present continuous yes/no questions from the worksheet.

What is the present continuous test?

Present Continuous / Present Simple vs Present… Activities to practice and evaluate Present Continuous structures. Also to evaluate the contrast in using Present Conntinuous or Present… This test is divided into 4 sections – A: Present tenses, B: Past tenses, C: Past tenses and D:Mixed Tenses.

How do I teach present tense sentences?

Divide the class into pairs and have them create a present tense sentence for each prompt. When finished, they can compare their work with another duo. A role-play activity where students are interviewed by a journalist while at work. Start by splitting the group into pairs.