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How do you structure a peel paragraph?

How do you structure a peel paragraph?


  1. POINT. Begin your paragraph by stating your point.
  2. EXPLANATION. Give evidence to substantiate your point.
  3. EXAMPLE or EVIDENCE. Explaining in more detail about how and why your evidence supports your point.
  4. LINK. Provide a smooth link to your next paragraph and/or point.

What is peel structure in writing?

So what is PEEL all about? PEEL writing follows four simple steps; Point, Evidence, Explain, and Link. The PEEL structure is used to make opinions and findings clear. Essays are pieces of persuasive writing and as such your goal is to convince the reader of your academic opinion.

What is a peel sentence?

So, what exactly is PEEL? The PEEL paragraph method is a technique used in writing to help structure paragraphs in a way that presents a single clear and focused argument, which links back to the essay topic or thesis statement.

How many sentences are in a peel paragraph?

Keep in mind that even though the PEEL structure only has four key components, you don’t have to restrict yourself to four sentences! If your Point is getting too long and wordy, it might be a good idea to split it into two sentences so that it flows better.

What are peal paragraphs?

The PEAL paragraph method is a technique used in writing to help structure paragraphs in a way that presents a single clear and focused argument, which links back to the essay topic or thesis statement.

How do you write a structure paragraph?

Start new main points or new ideas in a new paragraph. If you have an extended idea across multiple paragraphs, each new point within that idea should have its own paragraph. Use a new paragraph to introduce a contrasting or different position. Use a clear topic sentence to identify the main idea.

How do you write a peel conclusion?

Explain your point, giving more information. Give one or more examples to support your point. Link back to the topic to finish off the paragraph. Just remember to PEEL!

What is Peel in English GCSE?

PEE – point/evidence/explain. PEEL – point/evidence/explain/link to point. PEA – point/evidence/analysis.