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How do you solder a 0201 resistor?

How do you solder a 0201 resistor?

The most effective solder paste for 0201 components is type 4 or sphere-sized paste; pair the paste with water-soluble flux for cleaning. Stencils are an effective way to accurately administer paste onto the PCB, and the suitable stencil thickness for an 0201-sized component is 0.1 mm.

Do you need special flux for lead-free solder?

Lead-free solder wires should contain at least 2% flux by weight. Leaded solders are available with lower flux percentages as low as 1% wt/wt; this low flux volume will not work well with lead-free.

What temp should I use for lead-free solder?

650°- 700°F
600°- 650°F (316°- 343°C) is a good place to start for lead-based solder and 650°- 700°F (343°- 371°C) for lead-free solder. You want the tip hot enough to melt the solder efficiency, but excess heat can damage components as the heat travels along the leads, and it will reduce the lifespan of the soldering tip.

How do you solder a resistor to a circuit board?


  1. Place the resistor leads into the predrilled circuit board holes.
  2. Wipe the tip of the soldering iron on the wet sponge.
  3. Place the soldering iron at the electrical joint between the resistor and the circuit board hole for approximately 15 to 30 seconds.
  4. Wipe the soldering iron tip on the wet sponge.

Does rosin flux work with lead-free solder?

Fluxes do not contain metals, such as lead, so all fluxes are lead free. Your question must be asking about flux that is marketed as being specially formulated for use with lead free alloy. The answer is: you will not know unless you try it. Notall lead free alloys work equally well with all fluxes.

What is PB free solder?

Lead-free solders for electronic applications are based on tin-rich compounds that fall into a melting temperature range similar to the traditional eutectic lead-tin solder alloys (183ºC). These include eutectic Sn-3.5Ag with alloying elements of bismuth, copper, antimony, indium, or zinc.

How strong is lead-free solder?

A: Lead-free solder has a higher melting point, which makes it harder to work with – it’s 217C for lead-free compared to 183C for lead alloys. This also impacts on thermal bounce – the speed at which the iron regains working temperature.

Why is lead-free solder preferred?

The main reason why manufacturers are shifting to the use of lead-free solder is to eradicate lead from electronic production and waste recycling processes. In the past two decades, the electronic manufacturing world has experienced a dynamic development of alternative soldering materials centered on tin metal.

How small can you hand solder?

Depending on board layout there is no requirement for small solder tips, a 2,4mm chisel tip is fine, assuming the spacing on the board allows for this. Small diameter (0.5mm or smaller) solder really helps though. You only need really small amounts, with bigger wire getting the amount right is almost impossible.