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How do you say weather is bad?

How do you say weather is bad?


  1. severe. adjective. severe weather is extremely unpleasant and likely to cause harm or damage.
  2. harsh. adjective. harsh weather is extremely cold and unpleasant.
  3. threatening. adjective.
  4. fierce. adjective.
  5. humid. adjective.
  6. sultry. adjective.
  7. muggy. adjective.
  8. foul. adjective.

How do you describe a miserable weather?

If you describe the weather as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel depressed, because it is raining or dull.

How do you use bad weather in a sentence?

1 The good seaman is known in bad weather. 2 We didn’t reckon for having such bad weather. 3 She keeps in during the bad weather. 4 Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves.

What is another word for crazy weather?

“Field verification is often necessary in the wake of extreme weather or flooding to ensure that streamflow and stage calculations are accurate.”…What is another word for extreme weather?

bad weather hazardous weather
wet raining cats and dogs
windstorm cloudburst
rainstorm dust storm
hailstorm blast

What is gloomy weather?

1a : partially or totally dark especially : dismally and depressingly dark gloomy weather.

What is the meaning of nasty weather?

1 unpleasant, offensive, or repugnant. 2 (of an experience, condition, etc.) unpleasant, dangerous, or painful.

How do you describe bad weather in a story?

For example, if a thunderstorm figures prominently in your story, the thunder could “rumble” or “boom,” rain could “patter” against the windows” and wind could “rush” across a field. Try making a list of all the sounds the storm in your narrative might involve and brainstorm onomatopoeic words to describe them.

What are different types of severe weather?

High winds, hail, excessive precipitation, and wildfires are forms and effects of severe weather, as are thunderstorms, downbursts, tornadoes, waterspouts, tropical cyclones, and extratropical cyclones. Regional and seasonal severe weather phenomena include blizzards (snowstorms), ice storms, and duststorms.

How would you describe extreme weather?

Blizzard: heavy snow, ice, cold temperatures. Dust storm: strong winds, arid conditions. Flood: heavy rainfall. Hail storm: cold or warm temperatures, rain, ice.

How do you express the weather in English?

How to Talk About the Weather in English with All the Right Vocabulary

  1. Hot / Warm.
  2. Cold / Cool.
  3. Sunny / Rainy.
  4. Clear / Cloudy.
  5. Dry / Humid.
  6. Foggy / Misty.
  7. Gusty / Windy.
  8. Thunder / Lightning.

What are the kinds of weather?

The five main types of weather are: sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, and stormy. Below you will find out about the different types of weather we experience on a day-to-day basis as a result of the global weather system.

What does muggy weather mean?

Definition of muggy : being warm, damp, and close.