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How do you say thank you in Hawaiian?

How do you say thank you in Hawaiian?

Mahalo nui (pronounced mah-hah-loh noo-ee) means “thank you very much.” And if you really appreciate something, you can say mahalo nui loa (pronounced mah-hah-loh noo-ee loh-wah), which means “thank you so very much.”

What does mahlo mean?

thanks, gratitude
“Mahalo” is a Hawaiian word meaning thanks, gratitude, admiration, praise, esteem, regards, or respects. According to the Pukui and Elbert Hawaiian Dictionary, it is derived from the Proto-Polynesian *masalo.

How do you say your welcome in Hawaiian?

‘A’ ole palikir – You’re welcome/ No problem.

What is the Hawaiian greeting?

Aloha can be used to say “Hello” or “Goodbye.” and it has a deeper meaning to the Hawaiian people. Aloha also means kindness, love and affection. For example, in Hawaii people do things ‘with aloha’ like surfing, working or living, etc.

How do Hawaiians say cheers?

Kāmau (Ka-Mau) or HipaHipa – These phrases are probably the most common way to say cheers as it means cheers in Hawaiian. HipaHipa is a popular saying among tourists and locals.

What does Komo Mai?

Mahalo: Thank you. E komo mai: Welcome.

Why Do Hawaiians say Auntie?

In Hawaii, “Aunty” and “Unko” (Uncle in Standard English) are used as a sign of respect towards elders. While it is common practice, there are times when these terms of endearment can be used in woefully wrong ways.

How do Hawaiians kiss?

In short, honi, means to kiss. The gravity of the honi in the Hawaiian culture is often unknown to visitors, which, in my opinion is a shame. It’s a beautiful act of love and respect between two people. During this “kiss”, two people touch foreheads, with noses touching and then inhaling as the same time.

What does Pau Hana mean?

being finished with work
Synonymous with happy hour, pau hana is a Hawaiian Pidgin slang for being finished with work, using the word pau, to finish, and hana, to work, in Hawaiian.