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How do you return value in another cell if a cell contains text in Excel?

How do you return value in another cell if a cell contains text in Excel?

Excel Formula to Check If a Cell Contains Text Then Return Value in Another Cell

  1. Parameter 1: A1=”My Text To Check”, this will check the Value of Cell A1 with your required Text.
  2. Parameter 2: “My Text To Return”, this is the value which you want to return in another Cell if Matches with Cell A1 Text.

How do you check if a cell contains a value?

The Excel ISNUMBER function returns TRUE when a cell contains a number, and FALSE if not. You can use ISNUMBER to check that a cell contains a numeric value, or that the result of another function is a number. The Excel FIND function returns the position (as a number) of one text string inside another.

Is there an Excel formula for contains?

There’s no CONTAINS function in Excel. 1. To find the position of a substring in a text string, use the SEARCH function.

How do you return value if a cell contains certain text from a list?

How to Return Value If Cells Contain Certain Text from a List

  1. Using the COUNTIF function.
  2. Using the SEARCH function.
  3. Using the TEXTJOIN function.
  4. Using the INDEX and MATCH function.

How do you check if a column contains a text in Excel?

Find If A Range of Cells Contains Specific Text in Excel (4 Methods)

  1. Using the COUNTIF Function.
  2. Using the ISNUMBER Function.
  3. Using the IF Function to Find Cells Containing Specific Text.
  4. Using the SUMPRODUCT Function.

How do you auto input data based on another cell in Excel?

Anyone who has used Excel for some time knows how to use the autofill feature to autofill an Excel cell based on another. You simply click and hold your mouse in the lower right corner of the cell, and drag it down to apply the formula in that cell to every cell beneath it (similar to copying formulas in Excel).

How to check if cell value is between two values in Excel?

As above example shown,in this section,please click Kutools > Select > Select Specific Cells to enable the utility.

  • And in the Select Specific Cells dialog box,you need to: 2.1.
  • If the specified cell value is between two values,you will get a dialog box with following screenshot 1 shown.
  • When does a cell contain a value on Excel?

    Check if a cell contains one of several values from a list with formulas.

  • Display the matches if cell contains one of several values from a list with formulas.
  • Highlight the matches if cell contains one of several values from a list with a handy feature.
  • How to return value in another cell if a cell contains certain text in Excel?

    For returning value in another cell if a cell contains only a specific text, please try the following formula. For example, if B5 contains “Yes”, then return “Approve” in D5, otherwise, return “No qualify”. Please do as follows. Select D5 and copy below formula into it and press the Enter key.

    How do I get a cell value in Excel?

    Get cell value. By combining these two functions, you can get a cell value by providing row and column number. =INDIRECT (ADDRESS (2,1)) The ADDRESS will return a reference as text, the INDIRECT will return a value under this text reference. Post Views: 18,801.