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How do you play Assaultcube?

How do you play Assaultcube?

Starting a single-player game is simple. Press ESC, navigate to Singleplayer, then choose the mode, bot skill, amount of enemies and the map. Then, a game with computer-bot enemies will start immediately.

How do you make an assault cube server?

The easiest way to configure the AssaultCube server is through the options in config/servercmdline. txt. The server scripts, server. bat on Windows or on Linux, use this method by default.

How many GB is Assault Cube?

AssaultCube System Requirements

Minimum Build It Recommended Build It
OS Windows 2000 Windows XP 32-bit
DirectX 8 9
HDD Space 1 GB 1 GB

When was assault cube made?

April 11, 2006AssaultCube / Initial release date

How do I install Assaultcube on Linux?

1 Answer. @chi67 All the libraries are in assaultcube-data. Just run sudo apt update && sudo apt install assaultcube assaultcube-data and you’re done.

What should an AssaultCube map look like?

AssaultCube maps should look a bit grim/dusky. At the moment the texture set is by no means perfect, so choosing the right texture for the job might take some time.

How do I play AssaultCube?

After knowing the controls, most things in AssaultCube are relatively straightforward. Press W to move forwards and then move your mouse around to change directions. Left-click when aimed at an enemy to attack them.

How do I VIEW command documentation in AssaultCube?

If you know the command you would like to use, but just want some information about it, you can type the command into AssaultCube and information about this command will be displayed. You can disable this documentation reference if you want by pressing F1 when it is shown.

Is the AssaultCube game engine open source?

Note: Although the AssaultCube game engine is open source, you are warned that if you make gameplay-affecting modifications to your client, and then connect to a public server, you could be banned from servers and/or the game’s master server.