How do you mix k-Othrine?
Mix 0.25-1.5 fl. oz. ofK-Othrine SC Insecticide with water to make 1 gallon of solution. Apply as a coarse spray at a rate of 1 gallon per 1000 sq.
How do you use K-Othrine SC 25?
K-Othrine SC 25 is designed for spraying on porous surfaces. It is mandatory diluted in water and applied using a compression sprayer or other device to obtain a spray-wetting. Crawling Insects: 50 ml/ 5 ltrs/ 100 m2.
What is k-Othrine?
K-Othrine Flow contains deltamethrin 2.5% SC and is useful for effective control of cockroaches, houseflies and mosquitoes in houses. It is used as a residual spray on surfaces and for bed net impregnation to protect against adult mosquitoes. Key Product Benefits: Broad spectrum activity.
Is deltamethrin systemic?
Deltamethrin is unlikely to be taken up by terrestrial plants due to its tendency to bind to soils and rapid degradation. Uptake was not observed through leaves or roots of most plants and therefore it is considered a non-systemic compound.
What is Temprid SC used for?
Temprid SC Insecticide is for eliminating ants, bed bugs, bottle flies, boxelder bugs, carpet beetles, centipedes, clothes moths, clover mites, cluster flies, cockroaches, crickets, darkling beetles, earwigs, firebrats, flesh flies, flies, fruit flies, gnats, hornets, house flies, moths, pillbugs, silverfish, sowbugs.
How do you dilute deltamethrin?
Dilution Instructions: • add half the water to the spray tank; • add Deltamethrin 4.75% SC as specified in the appropriate application rates table; • agitate well; • add the remaining water slowly to avoid excess foam; • thoroughly agitate the sprayer before using to insure proper suspension.
How fast does deltamethrin break down?
It has a half-life ranging from 5.7- 209 days. Half-life is the measure of time it takes for half of the applied amount to break down. The half-life can change based on soil chemistry, temperature, water content and the amount of organic matter in the soil.
How do you dilute imidacloprid?
Imidacloprid 2F will be mixed at a rate of 0.46 up to 0.6 ounces per 1,000 square feet or 1 gallon of water. To apply as a foliar spray for shrubs, trees, and other ornamental plants, prepare a solution with the labeled mix rate of 1.5 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water.
Is imidacloprid soluble in water?
Although imidacloprid breaks down rapidly in water in the presence of light, it remains persistent in water in the absence of light. It has a water solubility of . 61 g/L, which is relatively high.
How long does Temprid SC last?
Temprid SC controls pyrethroid-resistant bedbugs and lasts up to six months. Temprid SC has been among the top performing bedbug products in the U.S. due to its quick knockdown and long residual control on common surfaces where bedbugs harbour.