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How do you make a field non editable on InfoPath?

How do you make a field non editable on InfoPath?

1 Answer

  1. Use “Customize Form” again from the Sharepoint Ribbon.
  2. Right click each Control in question.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the Display Tab.
  5. Ensure that the Read-only checkbox is unticked.

How do I make a form not read only?

Remove read only

  1. Click the Microsoft Office Button. , and then click Save or Save As if you have previously saved the document.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. Click General Options.
  4. Clear the Read-only recommended check box.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the document. You might need to save it as another file name if you have already named the document.

How do I turn off InfoPath form?

First, disable Library/List Settings > Form Settings > Customize to Infopath form. Second, disable the ribbon button “Customize Form” when the list is focus.

How do I make a field read only in InfoPath?

2 Answers

  1. Right click on Date field.
  2. Click Tex Box Propetries.
  3. Click on Display tab.
  4. Check Read-only.
  5. Click OK.

How do I make my InfoPath file read only?

If you want to make the entire form read only, then open the form in InfoPath designer -> Page Design -> View -> Properties -> Change it to Read only.

How do I change the view in Sharepoint?

Change a view

  1. Go to the list or library where you want to change a view and click the List or Library tab.
  2. Click Modify View.
  3. Select the view you want to change from the Current View drop-down list.
  4. Make your changes, and then click OK at the bottom of the page.

Can you set permissions on views in SharePoint?

Open the list or library which contains the folders, document, or list item for which you want to view users and SharePoint groups. Rest the pointer on the folder, document, or list item for which you want to view permissions, click the arrow that appears, and then click Manage Permissions.

How do I make a file view only in SharePoint?

How to Have Files Open in Read-Only in SharePoint Online

  1. Open the File in Preview.
  2. Protect the File to Always Open in Read-Only Mode.
  3. Turn on the Required Check Out setting (Last Resort)

How do I restrict views in SharePoint?

Create a new permission group with the option “Manage Personal Views – Create, change, and delete personal views and lists” unchecked. Break permission inheritance on the list and assign this permission level to everyone who you want to restrict which views they can see.

What is the difference between read and view only in SharePoint?

Read — The user can view list items, pages and download documents. Edit — The user can manage lists and list items and contribute permissions. View only — The user can view pages, list items and documents.

How do I open a SharePoint file as read-only?

The user can switch from Viewing to Editing with one button click in the browser and desktop app….How to Protect A File to Open in Read-Only:

  1. Open the file in Word Desktop app.
  2. Go to Info >
  3. Protect Document >
  4. Always Open Read-Only >
  5. Save file.