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How do you get YouTube to stop buffering?

How do you get YouTube to stop buffering?

You can try the following methods to fix YouTube videos buffering problem, whether you are facing it on your computer or iPhone.

  1. Make sure the stable internet connection speed (1Mbps at least)
  2. Restart the router/computer/iPhone.
  3. Clear browser cache and cookies.
  4. Check/Update the Flash Player.
  5. Lower the video resolution.

Why is YouTube buffering all the time now?

If you feel that YouTube buffering problem is not happening because of internet-related issue or video player-related issues, the next cause could be computer related. Check if hardware acceleration is enabled. If so, then this can slow down the YouTube video. Simply disable it to be sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Why is YouTube so slow but internet is fast?

YouTube buffering problem can be caused by these issues: overload server, internet/router issues, browser cache, ip address range. If you’re having YouTube running slow issues, don’t panic. You can use methods in this post to fix the problem.

Why are video buffering even with fast connection?

However, the cause of buffering almost always comes down to insufficient internet bandwidth — the file can’t download fast enough to keep pace with playback, and it pauses to buffer. This can be due to: A slow/unstable internet connection. Lack of available bandwidth.

What has high speed internet but slow buffering?

Sluggish Or Outdated Devices If you have a high-speed connection and still experience slow buffering, the problem may be with the device you’re using. Electronic devices like PCs, tablets, gaming consoles, and smartphones can become outdated after a while and unable to process the latest Wi-Fi speeds we have today.

Why is my YouTube suddenly so slow?

YouTube’s servers are usually under heavy strain, which can make loading times slow, but a choppy or constantly-buffering connection could also be due to issues with your Internet service, router or Web browser.

Why is YouTube so slow when I have fast internet?

YouTube buffering problem can be caused by these issues: overload server, internet/router issues, browser cache, ip address range. If you’re having YouTube running slow issues, don’t panic.

Why is YouTube buffering so slowly?

How do you increase buffer speed?

Here’s some things you can do to achieve that:

  1. Close other applications and programs.
  2. Pause the stream for a few moments.
  3. Reduce video quality.
  4. Speed up your internet connection.
  5. Remove other devices connected to your network.
  6. Update graphics card drivers.
  7. Try a wired Ethernet connection.
  8. Clean up your browser settings.